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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Turkey and the Kurds - Editorials/Op-Ed - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

"Turkey and the Kurds

April 23, 2006

Kurdish unrest in Turkey, which has continued with bombings in Istanbul in recent weeks and almost daily clashes and rioting in the mountains, strains U.S.-Turkey relations at a time when Ankara's support for U.S. policy in the Middle East and against Iran is crucial. Winning Turkish support to confront the Iran issue will be a challenging task, as Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has tried to steer Turkey toward friendly relationships with all its Arab neighbors while continuing to pursue accession into the European Union. Losing Turkish support would be a difficult setback for the United States. "

More:Turkey and the Kurds - Editorials/Op-Ed - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper