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Sunday, April 23, 2006

JTW News - Armenian Issue: Argentine's National Senate's Armenian Statement Disappoints Turkey

"Armenian Issue: Argentine's National Senate's Armenian Statement Disappoints Turkey

Argentine's National Senate made a statement concerning the Armenian allegations against the Turks. The pro-Armenian statement has made Turkey unhappy. Turkish politicians argue dthat Argentina should not look at the issue from the single point of view.

Dr. Davut sahiner from Turkey told the JTW that Argentinian Senato should focus on the current issues too:

'About 20 percent of Azerbaijan has been Armenian occupation. Arsmenia does not recognise its two neigbours' borders. Armenians committed genocide in Khocali. The Armenian terrorism claimed more than 40 Turkish diplomats life in 1970s and 1980s. Armenia has never condemned Armenian terrorism.'"

More:JTW News - Armenian Issue: Argentine's National Senate's Armenian Statement Disappoints Turkey