"About the identity of Europe : why it is a problem ? (2)
Hans-Peter Geissen
le Tuesday 31 October 2006 - 31/10/2006
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«The role of Islam in the emergence of the Christian Humanism and the enlightenment was largely omitted and forgotten : Islamic theology could not take place in Christian Europe as no Muslims had been allowed to survive...»
- Hans-Peter Geissen lives in Koblenz (Germany), at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers. Interested in all what concerns faunistics (data about animal species) of the Midrhine region, he is the author of many scientific publications on these issues. He bent on the Turkish issue with a very specific approach so as "to prevent a self-definition of Europe on the grounds of historical or religious mythologies.""
More:[Turquie Européenne] - About the identity of Europe : why it is a problem ? (2)