The United States also supports Turkey’s quest for membership in the European Union, but Fried said the decision is Europe’s to make, and Turkey must meet the democratic and economic criteria for membership.
He acknowledged that many Europeans have concerns about such a large Muslim population joining the European Union.
“The Turks will say democratic norms are consistent with Islam,” Fried said. Turkey also views itself not as an Islamic country but as a secular republic with an Islamic tradition, he said.
“Now can you imagine the potential upside?” Fried asked. If an economically successful, democratic Turkey joined Europe, it would send a powerful message to the world that Islam can embrace democracy, he said. (See related article.)
The enlargement of the European Union has been “a great success, and [Europeans] should recognize this and let the Turks measure up” to the qualifications for EU membership, Fried said.
“What you’re seeing in Turkey is a democratizing society, and a growing culture of democracy colliding with a lot of the old more authoritarian traditions,” Fried said. “It’s moving in the right direction, but you’re absolutely right. It’s the Turks’ responsibility [to qualify for the EU]. No free ride, no lowering the bar, no moving the goal posts.”"
State's Fried Says NATO Not "Counterweight" to United Nations