- Postures are hardening on both sides of the Atlantic
Ashok Ganguly
Threats and opportunities
Soon after the American presidential election results were announced, the British prime minister, Tony Blair, declared to his European Union colleagues that 'the American people have spoken', and it was time to restore the transatlantic partnership between Europe and President George W. Bush. This was essential in order to resolve the conflict in Iraq, find a solution to the Palestine question, and deal with issues related to terrorism and trade. Blair's clarion call was almost instantly repudiated by Jacques Chirac of France who, in the company of Germany's Gerhard Schroeder and Spain's Jos- Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, publicly declared that it was now even more important for Europe to reinforce its own identity and politics, some of which would remain at significant variance from those of the United States of America. "
More:The Telegraph - Calcutta : Opinion