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Friday, December 24, 2004

Turkey: The longest date - The Washington Times: Commentary - December 24, 2004

"Turkey: The longest date

By Claude Salhani

ANKARA, Turkey. � It was, no doubt, the longest date in the making. It took Turkey 41 years of petitioning, courting and cajoling the European Union to finally be granted a date. Now they have one, but it's not until Oct. 3, 2005.
Negotiations regarding Turkey's full membership into the EU are scheduled to start then. However, the long-anticipated date may yet be upset by last-minute problems.
Between now and next October, and between October and the day Turkey is to be granted full membership � probably 10-15 years hence � a great many roads will need to be crossed. And Turkey, as well as the EU, can expect roadblocks along the way. "

More:Turkey: The longest date - The Washington Times: Commentary - December 24, 2004