Bully-boy Erdoğan is a threat to Turkey – and the world Simon Tisdall
The Turkish president is a dictator in all but name. Turkish voters should kick him out
The prospect of a triumphantly re-elected Recep Tayyip Erdoğan armed with sweeping new presidential powers is deeply alarming to many Turks, but it is also a scary prospect for the international community. Since taking national office 15 years ago, Erdoğan has turned from neighbourhood bully-boy into geostrategic threat. Under his choleric, resentful tutelage, Turkey has ceased to be a reliable friend of Europe and the US. If he gets his way in Sunday’s polls, Erdoğan, a dictator in all but name, is likely to foment further instability in Syria and throughout the Middle East region.
More:Bully-boy Erdoğan is a threat to Turkey – and the world | Simon Tisdall | Opinion | The Guardian