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Saturday, August 01, 2015

Turkey: A Country Perpetually at a Crossroads - Law Street (TM)

Turkey: A Country Perpetually at a Crossroads
By Michael Sliwinski | August 1, 2015

The nation of Turkey sits at a crossroads. Stretching from Europe to Asia, the country serves as the major path between the two continents and has done so through one form or another for centuries. The nation is also proverbially stuck between two competing forces as well. While it has advanced economically, politically, and through foreign policy much further than many of its Middle East neighbors, recent setbacks have shown just how far this process has yet to go. On top of this is the continued threat of ISIS and homegrown groups that recently reached such a fevered pitch that Turkey has called on its NATO allies for assistance. Read on for a look at this critical junction for Turkey, examining its past, politics, economy, and security situation.

More:Turkey: A Country Perpetually at a Crossroads - Law Street (TM)