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Friday, September 10, 2010

Turkey’s chance for reconciliation

"Turkey’s chance for reconciliation
Posted By Gonul Tol Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 6:19 PM Share

As Turkey heads into a high-stakes constitutional referendum, is there a real chance of finally resolving the long-standing tensions surrounding the place of Turkey's Kurdish citizens? It is clear that counter-insurgency is not the answer. The outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has long since transformed itself from a purely insurgent group to a political actor that has a popular base. The Kurdish issue is primarily an issue of democracy and should therefore be resolved through democratic means. This requires a new constitution, which takes equality and freedom as a basis, prioritizes a democratic approach, upholds rule of law for all and accepts different cultures within Turkish national identity. "

More:Turkey’s chance for reconciliation | The Middle East Channel