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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Turkey Braces for Key Vote Over its Future - TIME

"Turkey Braces for Key Vote Over its Future

Turks typically celebrate Eid, the end of the Ramadan month of Muslim fasting, with syrupy sweets, lengthy family meals and laid-back indulgence. But there has been nothing laid-back about this year's Eid, which comes on the eve of a bitterly divisive national referendum. Millions of Turks are due to vote on Sunday on a constitutional reform package that marks the latest chapter in a protracted power struggle over the country's future between the pious, tough-talking Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his secularist opponents. The referendum has turned into a vote of confidence on Erdogan and his mandate to govern, and fights have broken out between "Yes" and "No" voters across the country."

More:Turkey Braces for Key Vote Over its Future - TIME