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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Voice From The Banned Minaret

"Voice From The Banned Minaret
Published: 12/1/2009

STAR - As we haven't been dealing with the European Union issue so much recently, we weren't interested in what was going on in Europe. We believed that Europe forgot about us, as we didn't talk about it. Now a referendum in Switzerland resulting in a ban on the construction of new minarets there shows that the situation has developed contrary to what we had thought. What's more important is that this referendum happened not just in any European country, but in Switzerland. Switzerland is a state made up of groups from various ethnic groups, religious sects, cultures and economic interests connected to each other with the canton model. In other words, it's like a mini-Europe. So this ban emerged from a cultural profile of great European diversity and the calmest and most tolerant country in Europe."

More:Voice From The Banned Minaret