"Is the U.S.-Turkey Alliance at an End?
By Rajan Menon and S. Enders Wimbush
Special to washingtonpost.com's Think Tank Town
Tuesday, April 24, 2007; 12:00 AM
Turkey and the United States are approaching a critical strategic crossroad that will determine both the shape and the content of their relationship for the foreseeable future. The pressures forcing change on this long-standing alliance -- which has endured since the Truman Doctrine in 1947 -- are powerful. Neither Turkish nor American policymakers seem to grasp the emerging reality that this important friendship is fast eroding; alternatively, they have concluded that the alliance has run its course and are prepared to let it go. Neither side is taking serious remedial measures to recalibrate a vibrant friendship that has served both countries well for more than half a century. The consequences for both sides of a failure to make necessary course corrections will be significant."
More:Rajan Menon and S. Enders Wimbush - Is the U.S.-Turkey Alliance at an End? - washingtonpost.com