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Monday, July 04, 2005

JTW News - Focus Labels Turkey's Tourism Success as 'Fascinating'

"Focus Labels Turkey's Tourism Success as 'Fascinating'
The German media has termed Turkey's tourism industry as 'fascinating'.

A news article titled 'Fascinating Turkey' in the German magazine Focus said Turkey has become one of the biggest tourism centers of the world. 'A 20 percent increase in tourism is considered as a record in tourism circles of the world but considered natural here,' the article says. The World Tourism Organization in Madrid says Turkey will be among the top 10 countries in tourism very soon. The article mentioned sporting events such as the UEFA Champions League and Formula 1, which play an important role in Turkey's booming tourism industry. Describing the Aegean Sea as the fastest-growing marina of Europe, the magazi
ne said, ' blue voyages' have became a 'classic' among services given to tourists. "

More:JTW News - Focus Labels Turkey's Tourism Success as 'Fascinating'