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Monday, July 04, 2005

Dar Al Hayat:Bin Ladenism Removes Turkey from Europe and Prevents a Meeting of Cultures

"Bin Ladenism Removes Turkey from Europe and Prevents a Meeting of Cultures
Khaled el-Hroub Al-Hayat - 04/07/05//

The rich western debate in recent years about the idea of Turkey joining the European Union has theoretically swung toward cautious acceptance, or at least risking the move. The opinions of opponents to this step are well known – Turkey still has a way to go before it meets the conditions of membership, such as economic growth, per capita income, and the human rights situation, particularly regarding the Kurds and prison conditions. The most important of these topics, the “ghost” that is hidden at times and discussed openly at others, is Islam in Turkey. "

More:Dar Al Hayat:Bin Ladenism Removes Turkey from Europe and Prevents a Meeting of Cultures