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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

British move to free Turkish Cypriot aid package

"British move to free Turkish Cypriot aid package

THE BRITISH EU Presidency has referred two EU regulations for financial assistance to Turkish Cypriots and direct trade with the north to a working group of the Council and then the Committee of Permanent Representatives.

The discussion was called for last week by Sweden and was accepted by the British presidency. In her intervention, the Swedish Foreign Minister Laila Ferivalds said time was running out and there would be danger the EU funding to Turkish Cypriots to be lost.

Turkish Cypriots, backed buy Britain, want the ‘aid and trade’ package to be linked but the Cyprus government, while it has no objection to Turkish Cypriots receiving EU funding want the issue disassociated from the discussion on EU direct trade with the north."

More:British move to free Turkish Cypriot aid package