"MUSTAFA: Is The EU Fear Of Islam Downgrading Turkey�s Chance Of Entry?
Jun 18, 2005
By Abid Mustafa
European politicians have started to raise doubts in public about Turkey�s entry with the EU. Austrian Finance Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser said that Turkish membership �would make excessive demands of Europe.� Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos acknowledged two weeks ago, after the French and Dutch referendums, that �without a doubt� the two rejections were �going to affect� further expansion plans. Polls in France and the Netherlands showed that opposition to Turkey�s membership was one of the key reasons voters gave for opposing the EU constitution.
The latest developments pour cold water on Abdullah Gul�s claim last December that the European Union's decision to extend membership talks with Turkey contributes to the Muslim country's stability and gives it a new position in Europe and the Islamic world."
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