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Friday, February 04, 2005

Alleged Kurdish rigging in Iraq vote

"Alleged Kurdish rigging in Iraq vote:
[World News]: ANKARA, Turkey, Feb. 4 : Iraqi Kurds cheated at the elections last week by bringing in 110,000 ethnic compatriots to the oil-center of Kirkuk, a Turkish paper said.

The Daily Hurrit said Friday the incoming Kurds were settled in Kirkuk's poor neighborhoods of Rahmaniya and Azadeh.

It said the number of eligible voters in these two neighborhoods was originally 53,000, but after the influx, rose to 166,000.

The Turkmen community in the city said they will challenge the vote with the Higher Elections Council and will submit proof of the 'Kurds' cheating and manipulation of the vote.'

Iraq's Kurds want Kirkuk to be part of their semi-autonomous region in northern Iraq. "

Alleged Kurdish rigging in Iraq vote