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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Turkey: It Is A Fact That Some Rules Were Violated During Elections In Iraq

"Turkey: It Is A Fact That Some Rules Were Violated During Elections In Iraq
Anadolu Agency: 2/9/2005
ANKARA - ''It is a fact that some rules were violated during the elections in Iraq,'' said Namik Tan, the spokesman of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), on Wednesday, adding, ''objections to such infractions should be made under democratic mechanisms.''
In a weekly press briefing, Tan told reporters, ''there are some objections as regards the elections, including those of Iraqi Christians living in Stockholm. They claimed that they were prevented from casting their vote. The other ethnic groups also objected to the elections. All these complaints will be assessed by the ad-hoc election commission.'' "

More:Turkey: It Is A Fact That Some Rules Were Violated During Elections In Iraq