"Government 'worried' about Cyprus problem conference
By Jean Christou
THE government yesterday it was worried about what was going on at three-day Wilton Park Conference in Larnaca, which is discussing the way forward on the Cyprus issue.
Spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides said he was �somewhat surprised� that the conference, which involves the British Foreign Office, was taking place behind closed doors. �Yet journalists can talk to delegates in private on the record,� he said.
Around 140 participants from the two Cypriot communities, along with British and other foreign participants are taking part in the conference, which is being held under the Chatham House Rule. This means the content of speeches and addresses are off the record unless the particular speaker deems otherwise.
Wilton Park is one of the world�s leading centres for discussion of international issues and claims a track record of provoking frank and productive discussion by operating on an off-the-record basis. This is the first time the conference is being held in Cyprus.
It is examining the key concerns of both communities, latest trends in public opinion, the impact of Cyprus� accession to the EU, the implications of December�s European Council agreement to enter EU negotiations with Turkey, and the consequences of a continued stalemate in Cyprus."
More:"Government 'worried' about Cyprus problem conference