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Thursday, December 16, 2004

The Journal of Turkish Weekly:The EU Should Win Turkish People's Hearts and Minds

"The EU Should Win Turkish People's Hearts and Minds
View: Dr. Nilgun GULCAN, ISRO

Who Occupies Whom

Armenian forces occupied 20 per cent of Azerbaijani territories.. Armenian Republic has not been very friendly towards its neighbors since the independence... Turkey and Azerbaijan have been considered as "historical enemies". Azerbaijan Constitution and Declaration of Independence vividly say that Armenian State does not accept Turkey's eastern borders and does not recognize the written agreements signed with the Turks. Armenia has furthermore frequently attacked Georgia, another neighbor. The separatist movements in Georgia has been encouraged by Armenia. The Armenian irredentist movements cause a great tension in the region. Apart from these the 'special relationship' between Russia and Armenia does not allow the regional integration and the region's integration with the world."

More:The Journal of Turkish Weekly