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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Asli Aydintasbas: Turkey’s War on the Press - WSJ.com

"Turkey's War on the Press
Prime Minister Erdogan seeks to stifle media critics.



About two years ago I was sipping tea in the office on a slow news Sunday when I got a call from security: 'The police are here. They say they are taking over the newspaper.' The police? Taking over? I was the Ankara bureau chief of Turkey's second-largest daily, Sabah, and felt invincible. But within minutes, plainclothes officers filled my room, explaining that there was a simultaneous raid at the newspaper's headquarters in Istanbul and that from now on the paper would be run by the Savings and Deposit Insurance Fund."

More:Asli Aydintasbas: Turkey’s War on the Press - WSJ.com