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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Turkish Weekly Comment - Afsin Elbistan : A critical look to the Turkish Energy Sector

"Afsin Elbistan : A critical look to the Turkish Energy Sector
Haluk Direskeneli

Sunday , 11 February 2007

This commentary is from USAK's Energy Review Newsletter
To subscribe email to energyreview@turkishweekly.net

There is an old saying, attributed variously to the Chinese, which goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
The most important electric power generation projects are in "Afsin Elbistan" region where the largest lignite mines are located in Turkey; including almost half of the proven reserves. Turkish Electricity Generation Public Company has already built two groups of four units, each group with 4X340 (1360) MWe electricity generating output capacity. These are tendered internationally. German/ USA/ Japan companies have received the contracts based on their past similar experiences in their home countries or elsewhere."

More:Turkish Weekly Comment - Afsin Elbistan : A critical look to the Turkish Energy Sector