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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Did the EU Sell Its Soul to Turkey?

Did the EU Sell Its Soul to Turkey?
Published on 13 March 2016 14:22, Adelina Marini, Twitter: @AdelinaMarini

Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. This is an old method of doing things that was administered to the Turkey negotiations last Monday (March 7). What the leaders of the 28 member states and Turkey agreed on is just a framework, which is yet to be filled with details in order to receive a final approval at the next summit – this time a regular one (like it matters at all) – on March 17-18 in Brussels. Although, as of yet de iure there is no deal, what was agreed on after a full day of negotiations caused strong reactions. The prevailing ones were that the EU had sold its soul to the dictator Erdogan, that it had turned its back to its values and its humanity. There are lone voices (excluding the ones of the leaders), saying it was a good deal. What exactly is the deal we will know in the next week. Its framework, however, has some very serious dimensions: the EU enlargement; the values of the Union; its unity.

More:Did the EU Sell Its Soul to Turkey?