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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why limited Syria strike could hurt Turkey – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs

Why limited Syria strike could hurt Turkey

By Sinan Ülgen, Special to CNN

Editor’s note: Sinan Ülgen is a visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe. Twitter @sinanulgen1. The views expressed are the writer’s own.

Democracy can get in the way of a good war in the Middle East, a reality underscored by the diminishing U.S. public support for intervention in Syria. But the ongoing discussions in Washington over how to respond to Syria’s alleged use of chemical weapons aren’t just being watched closely in Washington and Damascus. In Turkey – Syria’s neighbor and in the vanguard of the struggle against the al-Assad regime – the outcome of deliberations on an attack are critical. Indeed, while the West looks increasingly wary of military action, there are serious concerns in Ankara that Turkey’s security could be put at risk by a U.S.-led strike that is too limited in scope.

More:Why limited Syria strike could hurt Turkey – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs