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Monday, August 15, 2011

Countdown for the 12th Istanbul Biennial has started

"Countdown for the 12th Istanbul Biennial has started
Published by Ozgur Tore
Monday, 15 August 2011 19:00

The 12th Istanbul Biennial, organized by IKSV with the sponsorship of Koç Holding, opens September 17 and continues through November 13.

ist-bienialThe 12th Istanbul Biennial, ranked among the most important art events in Europe along with the Venice Biennial, will turn Istanbul once again into an art platform being watched with interest by the world art communities starting in the month of September. The title of this edition is Untitled (12th Istanbul Biennial), 2011. The title, the visual identity, and the themes of the biennial reference the work of the Cuban American artist Felix Gonzalez-Torres, one of the most important artists of the contemporary era. During his life Gonzalez-Torres exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions internationally, including the 5th Istanbul Biennial, curated by Rosa Martínez. Gonzalez-Torres’s minimalist and conceptual artistic language is both formally innovative and explicitly political, and was a source of inspiration for the researches conducted for the 12th Istanbul Biennial."

More:Countdown for the 12th Istanbul Biennial has started