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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Burqa-Clad Woman Denied French Citizenship

"Burqa-Clad Woman Denied French Citizenship
By Stephen Brown
FrontPageMagazine.com | Thursday, July 24, 2008

A French court’s decision last month not to grant French citizenship to a burqa-clad Muslim woman provided a ray of hope to those willing to stand up for western values and oppose Islamization of their societies. But you would never know it according to the New York Times.

......As part of this “totalitarian political project”, the wearing of the burqa, head scarf and veil has long been regarded as the probing attack of militant Islam against western societies. Secular Turks and moderate Turkish Muslims perhaps understand best the importance and connection of Muslim female clothing with Islamic fundamentalism and its use as a weapon against secular society. Several months ago, 140,000 such moderates took to Turkey’s streets to protest the planned lifting of the ban against the head scarf at universities. Besides the social pressure women would face to wear the scarf, they feared the new measure would constitute an important step in their society’s Islamization."

More:FrontPage Magazine