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Friday, January 04, 2008

American Chronicle: What Ataturk Was and What He Was Not

"What Ataturk Was and What He Was Not

M. Orhan Tarhan
January 3, 2008

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was undoubtedly a great soldier, a great national leader, and a genius of a politician, all rolled in one. There are many other great soldiers and leaders in history, but no one else ever transformed his nation from a backward, ignorant, and poor society to modern-minded, active, strong, and survivable nation. In this respect, he was unique. Once he had completed his major reforms, he told to the Turkish parliament under what impossible-looking conditions he fought the Turkish Independence War and how he achieved the reforms during the Republic. He then sentimentally trusted the Republic and its future to the younger generation. That “Speech” used to hang in all classroom walls while I was in School. I must say that the ”Youth” did a pretty lousy job of protecting his reforms and ideas."

More:American Chronicle: What Ataturk Was and What He Was Not