"Anti-Turkism - the facts
Anti-Turkism has been used everywhere, and it's shocking to find it being used in many ways.
It has been used as a vice:
* In Italian phrases such as "bestemmia come un Turco" (translit "he swears like a Turk") were often used. One of the most infamous Italian phrase (and one much used by headline writers) was "Mamma li Turchi!" ("Mamma the Turks are coming") this is used to suggest an imminent danger. In addition, Italians regularly use the expression "Fumare come un Turco" (To smoke like a Turk).
* The French called rude behaviour, cruelty and greed "turquerie". There is also another expression "tete de turc" (English: Turk's head) used to mean stubbornness""
More:The Turkophile: Anti-Turkism - the facts