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Sunday, May 08, 2005

'No to Europe need not mean No to Turkey'

"'No to Europe need not mean No to Turkey'
By Tony Barber and Brian Groom in Rome
Published: May 8 2005 21:30 | Last updated: May 8 2005 21:30

The European Union should press on with efforts to extend membership to Turkey even if France votes No in its forthcoming referendum on the EU's constitutional treaty, according to Gianfranco Fini, Italy's foreign minister.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Fini described himself as 'rather optimistic' that the Yes camp would win the French referendum, but said that even a No vote should not deter the EU from embracing Turkey. "

More:FT.com / Europe / Brussels briefing - 'No to Europe need not mean No to Turkey'