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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

International Relations and Security Network ISN - Security Watch

"Turkish media reaction mixed on EU
With a EU deal finally in hand, some Turkish media have accused Europe of setting unacceptable terms, while others have heralded the agreement as a sign of a bright future.
By Mevlut Katik for EurasiaNet (22/12/04)

With a EU deal finally in hand, Turkish officials are riding high, but the media�s reaction is decidedly mixed. Some are championing opposition criticism that Brussels� terms are unacceptable, while others have heralded the agreement as a sign that Turkey�s future is �bright�. �We have a different Turkey now than two days ago,� Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul told a crowd of several thousand in Ankara on 19 December. �Turkey will become different in every way. From now on, democracy will have a different meaning and human rights and freedoms will be practiced in a more meaningful manner. The economy will perform better.� For now, though, Turkey�s press appears divided on whether or not to buy that upbeat message. With headlines proclaiming �European Revolution� and �New Europe, New Turkey,� many papers the day after European Union leaders� 17 December decision to start membership talks with Ankara opted for the optimistic route. Far-right or far-left wing newspapers, however, took a different approach, focusing on the EU�s stipulation that Turkey recognize Cyprus as an EU member before its own membership negotiations could begin, with headlines that proclaimed �Dishonored� and �We Gave In�. Under the draft agreement with Brussels, Turkey must sign a customs accord with all EU member-states, including Cyprus, by the start of membership talks in October 2005. Turkish workers may also be prevented from freely entering the labor markets of EU member-states. At the same time, Ankara mu"

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