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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

AJC Publication - Letter from Turkey

"AJC Executive Director David A. Harris writes a monthly letter offering his insights and analysis of current concerns facing American and world Jewry.

Letter from Turkey
December 21, 2004

The European Union's invitation to Turkey last week to open negotiations for membership is truly momentous. No, this isn't hyperbole. If anything, it's an understatement.
After more than four decades of hemming and hawing about what to do regarding Turkey, the EU has finally decided to take the plunge. The path ahead isn't likely to be short, much less simple. Many things can still happen that could complicate, even derail, the process, but a threshold has been crossed, and there's really no going back.
Since the founding of the Turkish republic in 1923, on the rubble of the legendary Ottoman Empire, by Mustafa Kemal, known to the world as Atat�rk, the goal he established has been to anchor this strategically located nation, straddling two continents, firmly in Europe and the West. "

More:AJC Publication - Letter from Turkey