Erdogan on a roll
The AK party wins convincingly. What next?
Apr 5th 2014 | ISTANBUL | From the print edition
Erdogan rules and divides
HE SEEMS unbeatable. Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, secured his eighth big win in 14 years when his Justice and Development party (AK) swept to over 45% of the vote in local elections on March 30th. After facing down corruption charges, mass protests and accusations of authoritarianism, Mr Erdogan may feel emboldened to run for president in August. In an overtly polarising victory speech, he hinted as much. “We are ready to devote ourselves to whatever mission we are entrusted with,” he said. He also promised to go after his enemies: “we will enter their lair. They will pay for this.”
More:Turkey’s local elections: Erdogan on a roll | The Economist