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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

MURAT YETKİN - Do Egypt, Syria or Kurds hurt Turkey more?

Do Egypt, Syria or Kurds hurt Turkey more?

Turkey’s withdrawn ambassador to Cairo, Hüseyin Avni Botsalı, had a busy Monday yesterday. He first briefed President Abdullah Gül and was then asked by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan to join the Cabinet meeting to talk about what is happening in Egypt. Having observed the whole Arab Spring, the Tahrir uprising, the fall of Hosni Mobarak, the election of Mohamad Morsi, the ousting of Morsi by his Chief of Staff Abdel Fatteh Sisi, and Turkish-Egyptian relations hitting their bottom, the experienced diplomat must have a lot to tell his political bosses in Ankara.

More:MURAT YETKİN - Do Egypt, Syria or Kurds hurt Turkey more?