"Turkey's president
A family quarrel
Is Abdullah Gul ready to challenge Recep Tayyip Erdogan?
Apr 15th 2010 | ANKARA | From The Economist print edition
A Turk in his palace
THE elegant office of President Abdullah Gul says something about Turkey. Its bay window looks out over Ankara. On a wall hang landscapes by an Armenian Ottoman court artist, Ivan Aivasovsky. Under Mr Gul’s predecessor, Ahmet Necdet Sezer, the window was walled in and the Aivasovskys rotted in the cellar. A dour former judge, Mr Sezer rarely travelled. Mr Gul completed his 61st foreign visit as president (to Oman) this week. Overtly pious, yet pro-Western and a free-marketeer, Mr Gul symbolises the new global ambitions of his country."
More:Turkey's president: A family quarrel | The Economist