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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Istanbul Hazily Heads Toward Smoking Ban - Globespotters Blog - NYTimes.com

"Istanbul Hazily Heads Toward Smoking Ban
By Susanne Fowler

ISTANBUL | In this country that takes its smoking very seriously, a ban on lighting up indoors will take effect on July 19, a change that will surely please smoke-averse travelers.

But customers and business owners alike are unsure of how, or even whether, the no-smoking rules will be applied. Turkey remains a major producer of tobacco, cigarettes are relatively affordable, and cities like Istanbul are dotted with smoked-filled water-pipe cafes where young and old alike gather to puff scented smoke, play backgammon and catch up with friends."

More:Istanbul Hazily Heads Toward Smoking Ban - Globespotters Blog - NYTimes.com