"The emotion factor in Turkish-US relations
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Sami Kohen, Milliyet
Reasons for disaccord and tension in Turkish-U.S. relations have been scrutinized for a while by Turkish and U.S. analysts. In general, difficulties and crises in bilateral relations are evaluated as an outcome of different - and sometime counter - attitudes the two countries adopt for specific political issues due to their contradicting interests. The latest example is a serious shake in relations caused by the conflicts about Iraq and northern Iraq specifically. If we go back a little more, from the Cyprus issue causing the known U.S. sanction to the so-called Armenian genocide bills frequently served in the U.S. Congress, many incidents might be uttered among reasons harming bilateral relations. However, it is inadequate trying to explain the rage and public wave of indignation in particular along with occasional shakes in Turkish-U.S. relations by these political factors only. In fact, many diplomats and analysts are surprised by how the relations reach such critical points and are having a hard time to understand the scale of reactions showed…"
More:The emotion factor in Turkish-US relations - Turkish Daily News Mar 17, 2007