"Fitzgerald: The precarious position of Turkey today
“…Gül said that, in the case that the [Armenian] bill is accepted at the House of Representatives, there will be ‘a real shock in Turkey' and that the Turkish government could not contain the demands by the public to halt cooperation with the United States…” (Hürriyet Web site, Feb. 08). -- from this article
The so-called Kemalist Revolution -- that is, the putting of systematic restraints on Islam as a political and social system, lasted roughly a quarter-century, from 1925-1949. When Menderes came into power in 1950, the counter-revolution began, with the dervish orders re-emerging, and a campaign of government mosque-building, and other measures that answered the demands of the mass of primitive Believers who then and now make up most of Turkey's population."
More:Jihad Watch: Fitzgerald: The precarious position of Turkey today