"Six killed by homemade brew
From correspondents in Istanbul, Turkey
March 02, 2005
From: Reuters
SIX people died and more than 20 were taken ill in Istanbul after drinking fake raki, a strong aniseed-flavoured alcoholic drink, Turkish media said today.
The owner of the carpark where the raki was produced in a makeshift distillery and the owner of a restaurant which sold the drink were among the dead, the NTV news channel said on its website.
Nine of the 17 people still in hospital were in a serious condition. Drinkers fell ill at a restaurant on Sunday evening, falling unconscious or suffering from temporary blindness, NTV said.
Police have detained nine people in the Istanbul district where the alcohol was produced and confiscated the makeshift distillery.
Raki is regarded as a national drink in Turkey and is drunk in bars and restaurants across the country. "
NEWS.com.au | Six killed by homemade brew (02-03-2005)