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Friday, July 09, 2010

Turkish Dislike: The Need for a Measured Response | The Moderate Voice

"Turkish Dislike: The Need for a Measured Response
Posted by Guest Voice in Guest Contributor, International, Politics.
Jul 9th, 2010

Guest post by Michael Lieberman

While few individuals could make supporters of Israel miss Ahmedinejad, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is doing his best. True, in the wake of the Mavi Marmara raid Turkey’s rhetorical molotovs stopped short of saying Israel should be “wiped off the map.” But statements like those Erdogan made earlier this week accusing Israel of “perform[ing] a planned terrorist attack to kill out of nothing but hostility,” coming as they do from an ostensible ally, make the words bite all the more. Turkey’s active efforts to undermine sanctions efforts against Iran have further fueled the embers. What, then, if anything, should the U.S. do?"

More:Turkish Dislike: The Need for a Measured Response | The Moderate Voice