"Turkey in context: The Turkey-Brazil-Iran nuclear negotiation
May 19, 2010 Nima Maleki
On Monday Turkey and Iran agreed to swap nuclear fuel (low enriched uranium).
From Huffington Post:
The deal forged with Turkey and Brazil appeared to be another attempt to stave off U.N. sanctions – a doubtful endeavor judging by reactions from the United States and other Western powers.
This article, sent to me by a friend, has prompted a short response from me. I am particularly interested in the alternative fulcrums of international power that have increasingly been voicing their visions of international relations. This voice represents a share of those ‘developing’ countries that have grown to be economically impossible to ignore, such as Brazil, Russia, India, China (collectively known as the BRIC), and also including such regional influences as Turkey."
More:Turkey in context: The Turkey-Brazil-Iran nuclear negotiation « Nima Maleki: Politics and Critical Thought