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Friday, September 19, 2008

Turkey's Top Foreign Policy Aide Worries about False Optimism in Iraq - Council on Foreign Relations

"Turkey's Top Foreign Policy Aide Worries about False Optimism in Iraq
Interviewee: Ahmet Davutoglu, Ambassador, Chief Advisor to Turkey's Prime Minister
Interviewer: Greg Bruno

September 19, 2008
Council on Foreign Relations

Ahmet Davutoglu, the chief foreign policy aide to Turkey's Prime Minister, says he fears recent optimism on Iraq in the United States overlooks significant, dangerous problems which remain unresolved. In an interview in Ankara with CFR.org and other visiting American journalists, Davutoglu said that ethnic and religious differences among Iraq's leadership are bound to flare again. He also said Turkey, due to the importance of trade with Russia, cannot afford to adopt a policy of isolating Moscow or its other neighbors."

More:Turkey's Top Foreign Policy Aide Worries about False Optimism in Iraq - Council on Foreign Relations