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Sunday, March 06, 2005

Turkish Daily News - Turks are not paranoid

"Turks are not paranoid
Sunday, March 6, 2005

Opinion by Yuksel Soylemez
When the infamous Pollock article appeared in The Wall Street Journal on Feb. 16, 2005 describing Turkey as the 'Sick Man of Europe � Again,' I sent the following rejoinder to the editor of the paper, hoping they would allot equal space for my defense. I was writing in a private capacity as a deeply offended Turk.
Hoping against hope, I waited 10 days to see whether they would be unbiased enough to print it. As they used their prerogative and decided not to print my response, I am now exercising my right of reply in my own column in the Turkish Daily News. "

More:Turkish Daily News - Turks are not paranoid