"Global Armenian campaign finally stings Turkish public
Sunday, March 6, 2005
The increasing public awareness follows silence pervading both the Turkish state and the public for a period of several decades, during which Armenians managed to get backing to their claims of genocide from several national parliaments
ANKARA � Turkish Daily News
Columnists have been getting increasingly interested in the mounting Armenian allegations that their nation was subject to a genocide at the hands of the late Ottoman Empire; lawmakers in Parliament are drafting strategies to counter European pressure to �face truths� about Turkey's past; and Turkish scholars are trying to engage Armenian counterparts in a scientific debate on what happened in eastern Anatolia in 1915. The momentum emerging at all levels of society is a sign that the Turkish public is finally waking up to feel the rage of a decades-old campaign, launched by the powerful Armenian diaspora all across Europe and other continents in the world, blaming Turks for what Armenians called the �first genocide of the 20th century.�"
More:Turkish Daily News - Global Armenian campaign finally stings Turkish public