Turkey significantly changes rules for unlicensed energy generation
Turkey March 28 2016
The Energy Market Regulatory Authority ("EMRA") issued an amendment to the Regulation on Unlicensed Energy Generation (the "Regulation") and the Communiqué on Implementation of Unlicensed Energy Generation (the "Communiqué") (together, the "Amendment") on March 23, 2016. The long awaited draft Amendment was first published on EMRA's website in December 2015, and included restrictions on the total installed capacity of adjacent unlicensed plants controlled by the same person or entity as well as share transfer restrictions. The published Amendment, in addition to the restrictions outlined in the draft, introduces a maximum limit for the amount of "excess energy" to be fed into the grid, and includes rules and procedures for situations where there are multiple applications for licensed and unlicensed generation in the same area, as well as other major changes regarding grid connections.
More:Turkey significantly changes rules for unlicensed energy generation - Lexology