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Monday, October 22, 2007

Turkey : the EU’s gateway to the world - istanbul en

"Turkey : the EU’s gateway to the world By Ozi on Monday, October 22 2007, 16:25 -
OzcanÖzcan TIKIT, Cafebabel Istanbul, Over the past few years, most EU actors and politicians have clearly expressed their position on Turkish accession. But few would suspect that a debate of similar intensity and divergence is taking place on the Turkish side. Europe will realise its full political and economic potential once it has embraced Turkey; this is the core belief shared by EU yea-sayers in Turkey. Turkeys’ strategic, economic and geopolitical assets are too good to be missed in their opinion. Moreover, once it has reconciled itself with its minorities, Turkey and its mainly Muslim population can be the EU’s gateway to the world. If politicians and media on both sides show enough composure and vision, the rocky road could become the path to success."

More:Turkey : the EU’s gateway to the world - istanbul en