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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Spain stands firm on Turkey - Turkish Daily News Jul 06, 2007

"Spain stands firm on Turkey
Friday, July 6, 2007

Semih İDİZ

El Escorial, Spain - Turks who are annoyed over President Sarkozy's antics against Turkey should come to Spain to regain some of their lost enthusiasm over Ankara's bid for EU membership. Here in El Escorial, just 45 kilometers from Madrid, to attend a conference on Turkish-EU relations we were pleasantly surprised on this score. To see that “Pacta sund servanda” means just that for some, and that there is a genuine vision for the Mediterranean, rather than half baked “Club Med” notions aimed at appeasing the Turks by giving them the position of “head waiter” in order to keep them out of the EU was indeed reinvigorating. Neither was the talk coming from the upper echelons of the spanish Foreign Ministry, media and academic world just “loose jabber.” There was uniformity and intellectual consistency in what was said. "

More:Spain stands firm on Turkey - Turkish Daily News Jul 06, 2007