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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Opinion: Turks vote their wallets | turkey, iraq, party - OCRegister.com

"Today's editorial: Turks vote their wallets
Moderate Islamist party has chance to rule.
An Orange County Register Editorial

Most of the commentary surrounding the election in Turkey revolved around the fact that the Justice and Development Party (known as AK), a moderate Islamist party, achieved a solid victory in a country that was established in the 1920s by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who expected to have an explicitly secular rather than a religious-oriented government. The early election was precipitated by veiled threats from the military, which has seized power four times during Turkey's modern history, when Prime Minister Recep Erdogan sought to place his foreign minister, Abdullah Gul, a religious Muslim whose wife wears a headscarf (a religious statement to secular Turkish elites) in the presidency."

More:Opinion: Turks vote their wallets | turkey, iraq, party - OCRegister.com