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Monday, January 17, 2005

E.U. Should Protect Turkish Cypriots

"E.U. Should Protect Turkish Cypriots
BYEGM: 1/17/2005
STAR- The EU Commission has already announced its decision including suggestions concerning the financial aid for Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and direct trade. It sounded good, but there�s no performance. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched an initiative so the embargo on Turkish Cypriots can be lifted and Europeans keep their promises. Its reason is clear, that is, there is a timetable and time is running fast. The Cyprus issue is still a huge obstacle before officially starting negotiations with the EU. The EU says we should recognize the Greek Cypriot administration in order to become an EU member. So, the Cyprus issue is still a condition for us."

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