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Sunday, September 30, 2007
US baffled by Erdoğan’s accusations of tanks in PKK hands
The United States said it had no information to support claims by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan that the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) had US-made heavy military equipment in Iraq, while Erdoğan said the information has been published in Internet media.
"I have no idea what that statement would be based on.
It would be pretty difficult to see how heavy military equipment would get into the hands of the PKK," US State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey said at a daily press conference on Friday. "Certainly it would not be anything that would be supported by this government or any member of the US military that I'm familiar with. There is no information that I have of any kind that would support such an allegation.""
talkturkey: Hillary, Turks, and Turkey
Scott Sullivan writes in The Conservative Voice, 'Bush and the Republicans support Iran and Hillary supports Turkey. Turkey will crush Iran. The secularist Turkish military will be Hillary’s closest ally.' Sullivan says this is the first and most important of the four reasons why Hillary will be a successful US imperialist."
More:talkturkey: Hillary, Turks, and Turkey
Le Pen: Turkey not a European Country
French far-right nationalist leader Jean-Marie Le Pen renewed his criticism of Turkey's bid to become a member of the European Union on Sunday."
More:Le Pen: Turkey not a European Country
Fight For Women’s Rights In Rural Turkey
September 30th, 2007 by Fred Stopsky ·
Rural Turkey continues being the main supporter for those in Turkey who wish to restrain the rights of women. Teachers in southeast Turkey encountered dozens of women who were hiding their daughters in sheds to hid them from teachers seeking to foster the idea of education for women."
More:Fight For Women’s Rights In Rural Turkey
NBA to show in Turkey
NBA team Minnesota Timberwolves will arrive in Turkish metropolis of Istanbul on Sunday within the framework of "NBA Europe Live Tour 2007", the Anatolia news agency reported on Saturday."
More:People's Daily Online - NBA to show in Turkey
BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Turkey-Iraq agree security pact
Iraq and Turkey have signed a security agreement aimed at curbing the activities of the Turkish Kurdish separatist group, the PKK."
More:BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Turkey-Iraq agree security pact
Israel Matzav: Turkey tells Iran to butt out
DEBKA is reporting that a 'delegation' from Tehran showed up in Ankara and demanded to see the remains of Israel's strike against Syria three weeks ago. The Iranians shook their fingers a lot and told the Turks that the next time this happens, the Iranians will retaliate even if the Syrians don't. And the Turks told the Iranians to butt out."
More:Israel Matzav: Turkey tells Iran to butt out
Kurdish Rebels Kill 13 Bus Passengers In Turkey | September 30, 2007 | AHN
September 30, 2007 11:35 a.m. EST Susheela Hegde - AHN News Writer
Ankara, Turkey (AHN) - Suspected Kurdish rebels have gunned down 13 bus passengers in Sirnak province in south-east Turkey Saturday, officials said Sunday."
More:Kurdish Rebels Kill 13 Bus Passengers In Turkey | September 30, 2007 | AHN
The roar of Rumi
I'm a man who's not afraid of love; I'm a moth who's not afraid of burning We continue now with our morning theme, the 13th century. Today is the birthday of the Sufi poet known as Rumi."
More:The Lead
Turkey Leader Says U.S. Should Set Iraq Exit Timeline
Sept. 27 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. should announce a timetable for a gradual military withdrawal from Iraq because it would give local forces an incentive to take over more quickly, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in New York."
More:Bloomberg.com: Worldwide
AK Party YouTube Ban Turkey Islamist Islamofascism » AKP Watch
History is full of unimportant men who lived like a creep till fulfilling their destiny. When their time has come, they obey the masters and instantly became historical figures by leaving ugly scars in the face of civilization. Like Harvey Oswald who murdered Kennedy or Ogün Samast who shot Hrant Dink dead. The masters of puppets always remained unknown. But not this time!"
More:AK Party YouTube Ban Turkey Islamist Islamofascism » AKP Watch
Anti-terrorism deal eludes Turkey and Iraq so far | Reuters
By Evren Mesci
ANKARA, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Turkey and Iraq failed to clinch an anti-terrorism accord on Thursday after Baghdad said Ankara must seek its permission before sending troops over their shared border in pursuit of Kurdish rebels. But the Iraqi delegation said it would extend its stay in Ankara until Friday, insisting they were close to an agreement."
More:Anti-terrorism deal eludes Turkey and Iraq so far | Reuters
VOA News - Kurdish Rebels Kill 13 Civilians, Turkish Troops Kill 2 Rebels
Turkey Turkish media say troops have killed two Kurdish rebels in a battle in southeastern Turkey near the Iraqi border. Turkish news agency Anatolia reports the fighting began when rebels attacked a military post Sunday in Hakkari province."
More:VOA News - Kurdish Rebels Kill 13 Civilians, Turkish Troops Kill 2 Rebels
Salt Lake Tribune - Where cobbled streets and Turkish influences meet
The Neretva River flows south from the Bosnian Alps, through Sarajevo and toward the Adriatic Sea. Historically, invaders came from the opposite direction. The Ottoman Turks emerged from the south in the 14th century, and for many years Venetian pirates sailed upriver to raid the Bosnian lowlands."
More:Salt Lake Tribune - Where cobbled streets and Turkish influences meet
Saturday, September 29, 2007
US giant AES enters Turkey energy market
The AES Corporation, a US-based energy giant operating in 28 countries, has entered the Turkish energy market with planned construction of two hydroelectric power plants on the Göksu River."
"Trend" news agency - US State Secretary for Improving Armenian-Turkish Relations
Azerbaijan, Baku / Trend corr. E.Huseynli / Assistant Secretary of State, OSCE Minsk Group co-chair Matthew J. Bryza considers regulation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh and improving of the Armenian-Turkish relations will strengthen ties between Azerbaijan and Turkey."
More:"Trend" news agency - US State Secretary for Improving Armenian-Turkish Relations
US working with Turkey to deal with PKK: Casey
WASHINGTON - The United States is committed to working with Turkey and Iraq to try and deal with the terrorist group the PKK, US State Department spokesman Tom Casey said late Tuesday."
More:US working with Turkey to deal with PKK: Casey
Why are women frightened? - Turkish Daily News Sep 29, 2007
We hear that prominent Turkish businesswomen are also stressed out by ongoing discussions about �Will Turkey become a second Malaysia?� "
More:Why are women frightened? - Turkish Daily News Sep 29, 2007
Turkey Real Estate: Ataturk's Reforms
Atatürk made many reforms. Those reforms can be put under five main topics: 1. Political Reforms - Abolishment of the Sultanate (1 November 1922) - Declaration of the Republic (29 October 1923) - Abolishment of Caliphate (3 March 1924)"
More:Turkey Real Estate: Ataturk's Reforms
Politique - Sarkozy, French politics, and more
Much has happened over the last several days regarding France and it's stance on Turkish membership in the EU, but perhaps the biggest bombshell came in a speech given by Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York. First some context:"
More:Politique - Sarkozy, French politics, and more
EU Won`t Take Sides in Turkey Headscarf Dispute
`As regards the headscarf issue, that is a matter for domestic democratic debate in Turkey,` Olli Rehn said. Reuters The European Union will not take sides in Turkey's bitter debate about whether to ease restrictions on women wearing the Muslim headscarf, European Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said. The EU's main concern is that a planned new Turkish constitution should enhance fundamental freedoms, especially freedom of expression and religion, Rehn told Reuters on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly."
More:Javno - World
A SEASIDE VIEW - FETHİYE - Turkish Daily News Sep 29, 2007
"A SEASIDE VIEW - FETHİYE Saturday, September 29, 2007
Accommodating change and difference:
Until the mid- to late-seventies, Fethiye was only visited by the more intrepid foreign visitor prepared to organize his own itinerary. The first foreigners to settle in Fethiye itself were the brides of local men."
;A SEASIDE VIEW - FETHİYE - Turkish Daily News Sep 29, 2007
Poll shows headscarf not an issue for most - Turkish Daily News Sep 29, 2007
Most Turks favor lifting a ban on the Muslim headscarf in universities and believe it is fine for the president's wife to cover her head if she wishes, according to a survey published on Thursday."
More:Poll shows headscarf not an issue for most - Turkish Daily News Sep 29, 2007
US giant AES enters Turkey energy market
The AES Corporation, a US-based energy giant operating in 28 countries, has entered the Turkish energy market with planned construction of two hydroelectric power plants on the Göksu River."
EU says has no position on headscarf debate in Turkey
The European Union once again announced that it is not taking sides with regard to the headscarf dispute in Turkey. Olli Rehn Commission officials reiterated that it is up to Turkey, not the EU, to decide on the ban after Turkish press reported that the 27-nation bloc had lent support to Turkey's headscarf ban, citing remarks by Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn in New York."
Halal food, Sicilian wine, the English pub and my Malay friend - Turkish Daily News Sep 28, 2007
All that ‘will-Turkey-become-Malaysia’ talk in the mainstream press has revived my memories about my Malay friend from Guildford"
More:Halal food, Sicilian wine, the English pub and my Malay friend - Turkish Daily News Sep 28, 2007
Where were the headscarves before? - Turkish Daily News Sep 29, 2007
Mehmet Ali Birand
The latest survey conducted by the A&G Company for Kanal D prime time news and the 32. GÜN program (summarized in this column yesterday) drew attention to two facts that had not been sufficiently discussed before. "
More:Where were the headscarves before? - Turkish Daily News Sep 29, 2007
Baghdad rejects US Senate plant to carve up Iraq
BAGHDAD - The Iraqi government on Friday firmly rejected a Bosnia-style plan approved by the US Senate to divide Iraq on ethnic and religious lines, saying Iraqis will themselves decide their future."
More:Baghdad rejects US Senate plant to carve up Iraq
Friday, September 28, 2007
Village life one take on the Turkish dream - CNN.com
By Rick Steves
Tribune Media Services
(Tribune Media Services) -- I was in Guzelyurt, a village in central Turkey, for everybody's favorite festival of the year: a circumcision party! Locals call it "a wedding without the in-laws." The little boy, dressed like a prince, rode his donkey through a commotion of friends and relatives to the house where a doctor was sharpening his knife."
More:Village life one take on the Turkish dream - CNN.com
SPIEGEL Interview with Director Fatih Akin: From Istanbul to New York - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
More:SPIEGEL Interview with Director Fatih Akin: From Istanbul to New York - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Turkish group has own idea for Greenway park - The Boston Globe
More:Turkish group has own idea for Greenway park - The Boston Globe
Foxman: US Congress can’t debate ‘genocide’
The leader of a major US Jewish group that last month endorsed Armenian claims of genocide at the hands of the late Otto-man Empire said on Wednesday that the US Cong-ress was not the right venue to discuss the issue. 'I believe this issue should not be debated at the US Congress or the French National Assembly,' Abraham Foxman, chairman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), told reporters after a meeting with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in New York. He also said he hoped Armenians would somehow respond to calls from Turkey to set up a joint commission of academics to investigate what happened in the past."
Turkey would consider U.S. using border for Iraq exit | Reuters
By Daniel Bases NEW YORK (Reuters) - Ankara, an important ally for Washington in the Muslim world, would consider allowing the U.S. military to withdraw from Iraq through Turkey, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday."
More:Turkey would consider U.S. using border for Iraq exit | Reuters
US officials on trail of missing weapons in Ankara - Hürriyet
A top former US military official has been sent by the Pentagon to Turkey to investigate charges that US owned weapons have been making their way into PKK hands in northern Iraq. Pentagon Inspector former General Claude Kicklighter has been joined by US State Department Inspector Howard Krongard in Ankara, where the two are scheduled to meet with officials from both the Turkish military and the Turkish police headquarters regarding the missing weapons."
More:US officials on trail of missing weapons in Ankara - Hürriyet
New Turkish Constitution will 'Limit President’s Powers’
For the first time since the 1980 military coup and the subsequent 1982 constitution, a new constitution is being drafted in Turkey. Many in Turkey are worried that the combination of an Islamist ruling party and an Islamist president will contribute to a change in the country’s secularist tradition."
More:The Media Line
How to sound Turkish - Turkish Daily News Sep 28, 2007
If you have always wondered what the trick is to sounding 100 percent Turkish without using long difficult sentences or even just cursing through adding suffixes, this list should help. (While in other countries people get lost mid sentence, Turkish language learners have found that they get lost mid word). Below are some expressions, which you can use at your own discretion and risk. Be sure they will wow and impress Turkish friends, your landlord, the bakkal, taxi drivers. But if they know you don't really speak Turkish and are just pretending, be prepared for chuckles. If nothing else they will be flattered you are trying to tap into the nuances of their language."
More:How to sound Turkish - Turkish Daily News Sep 28, 2007
Rice tells Turkey again: Iran is trouble maker
The New Anatolian / Ankara 28 September 2007
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told Turkey that the Americans consider Iran a trouble maker and hinted they are unhappy with the growing energy cooperation between the two countries. Turkey recently signed a deal with Iran to develop its rich natural gas fields and also export Iranian gas to Europe through anew pipeline."
More:The New Anatolian
Turkey to be promoted on mobile phones of tourists
The New Anatolian / Ankara 28 September 2007 Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry has decided to cooperate with three GSM operators in Turkey to promote historical and touristic attractions and museums. According to a protocol signed by the ministry and three GSM operators (Turkcell, Avea and Vodafone), the system will be implemented in 100 touristic areas."
More:The New Anatolian
Erdogan enlists U.S. Jews’ support for opposing the Armenian Genocide Resolution
28.09.2007 15:07 GMT+04:00 Print version Send to mail In Russian In Armenian /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Turkey’s Prime Minister has used a meeting with representatives of the U.S. Jewish community to discuss ways of denial of Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Ottoman in 1915. Meeting with representatives of groups including the Conference of Presidents, the Appeal of Conscience, the Foundation, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Congress, and Bnai Brith International in New York late Wednesday Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the genocide recognition claims as “baseless and not supported by any scientific or historical grounding.”"
More:Armenian News - PanARMENIAN.Net | Armenian News Agency - Erdogan enlists U.S. Jews’ support for opposing the Armenian Genocide Resolution
Gul and Erdogan face to face again
ESRA ERDURAN The New Anatolian /Ankara 28 September 2007
One is charismatic and straightforward and even sometimes rude, the other is calm and confident. One is the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the other is Abdullah Gul who is newly elected as President after long debates."
More:The New Anatolian
Free Article - WSJ.com
More (Subscription Rqd):Free Article - WSJ.com
Tourism industry wants to make a brand out of Marmaris - Turkish Daily News Sep 28, 2007
MARMARİS - Turkish Daily News
Undertaking the leadership of hoteliers in Marmaris, which provides an annual flow of about 1 billion euros into the country and is one of the leading tourism centers in Turkey, İlhan Açıkgöz gives clear messages to both the ministry and the sector that they aim to actualize the region to its fullest potential."
More:Tourism industry wants to make a brand out of Marmaris - Turkish Daily News Sep 28, 2007
Armenians to demonstrate against Turkish membership during EU summit
Armenians are preparing to stage demonstrations against Turkey’s possible membership in the European Union during a European summit to be held in December.
According to Armenian news agencies, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation’s (sometimes refered to as Dashnaktsutyun) western bureau has already started preparations to organize a rally to call for a halt to the membership process. The head of the Dashnaktsutyun western bureau, Mourad Papazian, has reportedly called on all Armenians to mobilize against Turkey’s entry to the EU and to join the rally to be held on Dec. 14, which coincides with the second day of the European summit."
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Epoch Times | EU's Rehn Resigned to Turkish Reform Delay
UNITED NATIONS—European Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn accepted reluctantly on Thursday that EU candidate Turkey will only enact eagerly-sought human rights reforms when it adopts a new constitution and not"
More:Epoch Times | EU's Rehn Resigned to Turkish Reform Delay
Alienating The Turks
27 Sep 2007 03:57 pm
The new euro coin adds insult to injury. 9 percent of Turks have a favorable view of the US. The West really needs some help dealing with one of the few secular Muslim countries on the planet."
More:The Daily Dish
EU aid to Turkish Cypriots hampered by island's division — EUbusiness - EU business, legal and financial news and information - EUbusiness.com
27 September 2007, 18:55 CET (BRUSSELS) - The EU cannot dispense much-needed aid to the isolated Turkish community in northern Cyprus due to the island's political division, according to the European Commission."
More:EU aid to Turkish Cypriots hampered by island's division — EUbusiness - EU business, legal and financial news and information - EUbusiness.com
Ankara, Paris to establish working group on EU
The foreign ministers of France and Turkey will establish a working group to systematically deal with the latter's somewhat bumpy journey toward becoming a full member of the European Union."
Turkish Airlines third in Europe for IFE
Turkey's leading airline company Turkish Airlines (THY) has earned third place in the In-flight Entertainment (IFE) Aviation Awards from the World Airline Entertainment Association (WAEA) board of directors last week. For the first time ever the awards were determined primarily by actual airline passengers voting worldwide via an online satisfaction survey during May and June 2007. In a ceremony during the WAEA 28th Annual Conference and Exhibition in Toronto, commercial airlines from around the world were honored for excellence in IFE at the 19th Annual Avion Awards. THY came in third after British Airways and Swiss International Airways in Europe."
Turkey and Islam | Secularists' lament | Economist.com
Sep 27th 2007 | ANKARA AND ISTANBUL From The Economist print edition
Time to pray? Or to despair?
A BUS travelling from Samsun to Istanbul on September 2nd stopped at a mosque when passengers insisted on saying their daily prayers. Similar demands are heard all over Turkey, says Milliyet, a daily that was bombarded with hate mail from religious hotheads for reporting the Samsun case. In another incident, Gulcan Kose, a 28-year-old divorcee who was wearing a knee-length tunic and leggings, was detained by Istanbul police for “indecent exposure” as she stood with a fellow fisherman on the Galata bridge; she faces charges of resisting the authorities. Many restaurants that once served customers during the Ramadan fast no longer do so."
More:Turkey and Islam | Secularists' lament | Economist.com
DefenseNews.com - Turkey’s EU Reform Process Fading - 09/27/07 13:27
WASHINGTON and ANKARA — When Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) won a landslide victory in the Turkish national elections on July 22, he promised progress on Turkey’s application to join the European Union (EU). Abdullah Gul, Erdogan’s former foreign minister, made a similar pledge when he was elected president by parliament one month later."
More:DefenseNews.com - Turkey’s EU Reform Process Fading - 09/27/07 13:27
Economy - 22 American senators in Istanbul to "finish off jobs"
US state senates' chairmen and co-chairs have arrived in Istanbul for a six-day business trip. The group includes representatives from the food, medicine and alcoholic beverage sectors."
More:SABAH Newspaper English Edition - Economy - 22 American senators in Istanbul to "finish off jobs"
JTW News - Turkish Business forum held to boost Turco-Russian relations
The Turkish-Russian Business Forum, organized by the Turco-Russian Council and the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUSKON), took place in Moscow on Wednesday."
More:JTW News - Turkish Business forum held to boost Turco-Russian relations
Turkey's exotic call: Eurasian flavorings influence culture mix - 09/27/2007 - MiamiHerald.com
Contra Costa Times
ISTANBUL, Turkey --
Next time in Istanbul, I'm hiring the Screaming Shopper.
It was a hot July day when I was cooling my heels in the hotel bar waiting for friends.
But the party had to wait until Joe and Mary Lou Rimsky finished their four-hour shopping blitz at the Grand Bazaar."
More:Turkey's exotic call: Eurasian flavorings influence culture mix - 09/27/2007 - MiamiHerald.com
In Ankara: Archaeology, Arts and Ataturk :: WRAL.com
The morning found me in better spirits, but I still passed over the bacon at breakfast. Like the others in our group, I expected Ankara would be less interesting than the other places we’d visited considering it is the capital of the country and a large, modern city that looks like many others in Europe. We soon learned we had been too quick to judge."
More:In Ankara: Archaeology, Arts and Ataturk :: WRAL.com
TransWorldNews | Press Release |
Weblo Trumps Second Life with ‘Real’ Estate Sales Montreal 9/26/2007 9:54 PM GMT (TransWorldNews) Ankara, Turkey is the latest province to sell in the only virtual world based on the real world. Weblo.com has been compared to SecondLife.com but that game is based on the sale of fantasy islands. Weblo is the only virtual world where every real city, state and property is for sale."
More:TransWorldNews | Press Release |
Top level bilateral talks on Turkey's EU bid - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Tuesday that he would meet with his Turkish counterpart Ali Babacan to discuss Ankara's contentious bid to join the European Union (EU)."
More:Top level bilateral talks on Turkey's EU bid - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Global warming, EU, focus of PM in NewYork - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan turned his time at the United Nations General Assembly into a small European Union summit. On his second day in New York, Erdoğan met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel where during the half-hour meeting the two leaders focused mainly on Turkey's EU process, German-Turkish relations and the integration issue of Turkish immigrants into the German system. "
More:Global warming, EU, focus of PM in NewYork - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Dogan Offset Expands Insert Printing in Turkey With Tensor Presses
WOODRIDGE, IL (September 2007) - Dogan Offset Publishing and Printing (Dogan Ofset Yayincilik ve Matbaacilik AS), located in Esenyurt, Turkey, is increasing production capabilities with the installation of two identical Tensor presses each consisting of two Tensor T-500 4-high towers and one H-50 folder. Installation of the new Tensor commercial footprint shaftless presses will begin during the 4th quarter of 2007."
More:Print Industry News - 2007-09-27 - Dogan Offset Expands Insert Printing in Turkey With Tensor Presses
Turkey intends to become patent champ
Turkey's rapid growth in the last four years has shown itself in the patent applications for utility models and designs in the country."
Turkish officials have announced that Turkey and Iraq have finalized details of a list of measures to be taken against militants of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) based in northern Iraq. The announcement came after a 90-minute meeting in Ankara between Turkish Interior Minister Besir Atalay and his Iraqi counterpart, Jawad al-Bulani."
The Great Jump of The Gulf Investments in Turkey [Voltaire]
The six Gulf countries in Turkey have promised to increase the volume of its investments in Turkey by more than $17 bn. The promise came following a visit paid by senior Gulf officials to Ankara. King Abdullah promised that his country will invest in Turkey, 7 million of these investment will be invested in building a medical city with the aim of offering services to Muslim patients in all countries in the Middle East and the Islamic countries as well. For its part, the holding Dubai company promised to invest $5 bn in holding different projects, among them building 'Dubai Tower' in Istanbul. Bankers said that in addition to that, there are promising fields that are expected to enhance the relations between the two countries in the banking sector and specially the Islamic ones, as well as the religious tourism represented in 'al-Haj' and in the sector of construction."
More:The Great Jump of The Gulf Investments in Turkey [Voltaire]
Austria thanks Turkish lawyer with Order of Merit - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Turkish lawyer Selim Sarıibrahimoğlu was honored with the Order of Merit of the Austrian Republic for his contributions to the development of bilateral relations between Turkey and Austria in a ceremony on Sept. 12 at the Austrian Embassy in Ankara."
More:Austria thanks Turkish lawyer with Order of Merit - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
New US bill on Iran sanctions may hit Turkey - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
House bill calls for mandatory sanctions against foreign companies investing in Iran's energy sector"
More:New US bill on Iran sanctions may hit Turkey - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Armenia refuses to shut atomic power plant - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Armenia will refuse a 200 million euro ($282 million) loan from the European Union (EU) to close its only atomic power plant, a top government official said Tuesday, reiterating that they currently have no other major source for electricity. Armenia has been under pressure from the EU to shut down the Soviet-built Medzamor reactor, located 30 kilometers west of Yerevan, due to safety concerns."
More:Armenia refuses to shut atomic power plant - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
A Turkish media outlet owned by a Greek entrepreneur: wow! - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Barçin Yinanç
Thanks to the website Facebook, I encountered a longtime Israeli colleague of mine. Having lost track of each other for some time, we updated each other on our jobs and immediately began exchanging laments about the situation of the press in our respective countries. "
More:A Turkish media outlet owned by a Greek entrepreneur: wow! - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Malaysia and Turkey - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
The social dynamics and cultural background of the two countries are so different that comparing the two is just ridiculous"
More:Malaysia and Turkey - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Turkish-American relations – Time for reckoning - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Ambassador R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, delineated the U.S. administration's perspective on Turkish-American relations in a recent policy speech at the Atlantic Council. Shortly afterwards, he paid an official visit to Ankara and spoke along the same lines he had earlier drawn in Washington.Ambassador Burns expresses praise for Turkish democracy and respect for the leadership of President Abdullah Gül and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan, along with the anticipation of working closely with them in the period ahead. He refers to the need of “restoring a sense of strategic partnership to the broad range of U.S.-Turkish relations” and of “rejuvenating” the relationship. "
More:Turkish-American relations – Time for reckoning - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007
Turkish PM meets representatives of US Jewish community
NEW YORK - Turkey’s Prime Minister has used a meeting with representatives of the US Jewish community to reject allegations the Ottoman Empire committed an act of genocide against its Armenian citizens in 1915."
More:Turkish PM meets representatives of US Jewish community
Are we heading for a clash with US on Iran?
The United States has openly said it is against Turkish-Iranian energy cooperation. Ankara has openly told Washington it will go ahead with plans to increase and solidify this cooperation in the coming months. All these indicate we are on a collusion course irrespective of our strategic alliance…"
More:The New Anatolian
PKK plans to murder DTP mayors
The New Anatolian / Ankara 27 September 2007
The PKK terrorist organization alarmed by the growing political strength of the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party in the eastern and southeastern provinces is planning to murder mayors affiliated to the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) Kurdish sources in Diyarbakir and Mardin reported."
More:The New Anatolian
Actress contributes to Turkish-Greek friendship
Tulin Oral, one of the leading actresses of the popular Turkish TV series 'Yabanci Damat' (Borders of Love), has been serving like a voluntary goodwill ambassador for the improvement of the relations between Turkey and Greece."
More:The New Anatolian
M lobbies for EU process,discusses Middle East woes
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan used his bilateral meetings with world leaders in New York to lobby to push forward Turkey's European Union membership process and also to discuss the Middle East problem."
More:The New Anatolian
General Staff approves age of 35
The New Anatolian 27 September 2007
The age of 35 has been approved by the Turkish General Staff for the sportsmen who are in the Turkish Professional League's and in the national team who are waiting for the military service."
More:The New Anatolian
Turkey's Dede retires from music
World-renowned Turkish musician and DJ Mercan Dede has announced his retirement from the music business. His new album, due out in October, will be his last, following 15 years of recording music."
More:BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Turkey's Dede retires from music
UEFA Executive Board meets in Istanbul
The Turkish Football Federation (TFF) hosted a dinner in Istanbul's Feriye Restaurant in honor of UEFA delegation headed by Michel Platini who are visiting Turkey."
More:The New Anatolian
Three Injured In Istanbul Explosion | September 27, 2007 | AHN
Preciosa Dumlao - AHN Writer
Ankara, Turkey (AHN) - Three people were confirmed injured Thursday in an explosion in a metal workshop in central Istanbul, capital of Turkey, reports said. "
More:Three Injured In Istanbul Explosion | September 27, 2007 | AHN
AFP: US urges new UN envoy for Cyprus talks
NEW YORK (AFP) — Washington has urged the United Nations to send a new special envoy to Cyprus to focus on peace talks on the divided Mediterranean island, a high-ranking US diplomat said."
More:AFP: US urges new UN envoy for Cyprus talks
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Malaysia vs. Turkey
Recently Turkey found itself in yet another peculiar discussion. People started to ask a weird question: “Can Turkey turn in to another Malaysia?” Everything started with the ex-Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke’s comments about Turkey. A month ago, he described Turkey as the 'Second moderate Islamist country after Malaysia”. That was enough to start a frenzy in Turkey. The whole public discussions about the EU membership and the presidential elections suddenly ceased and people started to ask each other “After all are we turning in to an Islamist country?” Most prestigious newspapers of the country started to send reporters to Malaysia in order to get more detailed information from that country. After 85 years of its establishment, Turkey still gives the impression of a country in search of its identity. Does religion play a role in the country’s governance?"
More:Malaysia vs. Turkey - turkishgambit en
Islamism and Turkey – The First Shoe Drops?
September 26th, 2007
From The Gathering Storm Blog Ever since a party with deep Islamic roots has won a landslide victory in Turkey’s elections we’ve wondered if the Islamists would try to re-establish a fundamentalist Islamic culture in Turkey’s secular society. Are we starting to see the first shoe to drop?"
More:Blogger News Network / Storm Track Infiltration: Islamism and Turkey – The First Shoe Drops?
The Gathering Storm: Storm Track Infiltration: Islamism and Turkey – The First Shoe Drops?
Ever since a party with deep Islamic roots has won a landslide victory in Turkey's elections we’ve wondered if the Islamists would try to re-establish a fundamentalist Islamic culture in Turkey’s secular society. Are we starting to see the first shoe to drop?"
More:The Gathering Storm: Storm Track Infiltration: Islamism and Turkey – The First Shoe Drops?
Tend to Turkey - Council on Foreign Relations
Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Alliance Relations
Fall 2007
Democracy: A Journal of Ideas
In the wake of the Iraq debacle, the United States will occupy a position of greatly diminished stature and leverage among the many allies that stepped forward to offer unqualified support immediately after September 11, 2001. No relationship has been more badly damaged in this relatively short period of time, or is in greater need of repair, than the alliance between the United States and Turkey. Although America's standing has declined precipitously across Europe, Turkey is the one NATO country at risk of becoming strategically unmoored. "
More:Tend to Turkey - Council on Foreign Relations
AFP: Top level bilateral talks on Turkey's EU bid: French FM
NEW YORK (AFP) — French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Tuesday that he would meet with his Turkish counterpart Ali Babacan to discuss Ankara's contentious bid to join the European Union. Kouchner said he and French President Nicolas Sarkozy 'spent one-hour-and-a-half with Prime Minister (Recep Tayyip) Erdogan yesterday and we decided that the Turkish foreign minister and I will be in charge to establish a sort of working group to consider the whole possibilities' on Turkey's EU membership."
More:AFP: Top level bilateral talks on Turkey's EU bid: French FM
Turkey considers security wall
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 06:56:26
Turkey-Iraq border to be walled up Turkey is investigating the construction of a security wall project which is worth multi-billion dollars along its border with Iraq."
More:Press TV
Now we're told to write Turks into our history
A RACE equality chief last night called for British history to be rewritten to include the contribution of other cultures.
Trevor Phillips, head of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, said including the role of foreign nations in events would foster a sense of national identity."
More:Daily Express: The World's Greatest Newspaper :: News / Showbiz :: Now we're told to write Turks into our history
Sweden's BioGaia AB signs distribution agreement for Turkish market
Swedish biotechnology company BioGaia AB said on Tuesday (25 September) that it has expanded its agreement with its Italian distribution partner Italchimici SpA.
Under the new agreement Italchimici, which already markets BioGaia's products in Italy, will also market the products in Turkey on an exclusive basis."
More:Daytrading, Eminis, Forex trading, Swing Trading Stock News - 643522
Challenge awaiting Turkey on way to Kyoto - Turkish Daily News Sep 26, 2007
Prime Minister Erdoğan signals the government’s intention to become a party to Kyoto Protocol designed to curb gas emissions. Experts say lengthy negotiations are on the horizon because of Turkey’s ‘special circumstances’
More:Challenge awaiting Turkey on way to Kyoto - Turkish Daily News Sep 26, 2007
Armenians prepare a rally against Turkey's EU bid - Turkish Daily News Sep 26, 2007
Mourad Papazian, chairman of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation committee called on all Armenians to protest against Turkey's European Union accession bid in a statement Monday, stating that Turkey does not belong in the 27-member bloc."
More:Armenians prepare a rally against Turkey's EU bid - Turkish Daily News Sep 26, 2007
Patriarch Mutafyan and the Armenian version of 301 (I) - Turkish Daily News Sep 26, 2007
No doubt, the settlement of the notorious Armenian-Turkish dispute principally revolving around the �Armenian genocide� is indeed imperative. Yet, I regret to say that prospects for a resolution do not look promising. In almost every discourse, those made by Westerners in particular, it has become highly fashionable to talk about the need for reconciliation with the past. But nobody has clarified so far what reconciliation with the past means. What indeed are the prerequisites of this vague and abstract concept? What does the Armenian side understand from reconciliation? Last but not least, should it be unilateral, meaning that it should only apply to the Turks? "
More:Patriarch Mutafyan and the Armenian version of 301 (I) - Turkish Daily News Sep 26, 2007
What do Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan have in common? - Turkish Daily News Sep 26, 2007
The 1923 revolution introduced the coercive powers of the state in line with young Mustafa Kemal’s semiotic faith. Today, the counter-revolution is slowly but systematically introducing similarly coercive powers, not necessarily of the state, but surely of an increasingly conservative society, in line with Tayyip Erdoğan’s semiotic faith."
More:What do Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan have in common? - Turkish Daily News Sep 26, 2007
Hisarcikli appeals for solution to visa woes of Turks in EU
Union of Chambers & Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Chairman Rifat Hisarciklioglu asked form an urgent solution to visa problem of Turks in the European Union during the second meeting of 'Window to Turkey' project which is jointly carried out by TOBB and Economic Development Foundation (IKV) to inform the EU."
More:The New Anatolian
Beyoglu's streetcar named 'Tramway'
'Tramway' is a 2006 film by a relatively young and promising Turkish film director, Olgun Arun, as his first limited budget film. It runs for 83 long minutes which turns into a torture-chamber."
More:The New Anatolian
Turkish Women Prepare New Demonstrations
Skip's Clips: Turkish Women Prepare New Demonstrations
American multimillionaire Rupert Murdoch plans to take over Turkish ATV channel and “Sabah” newspaper
One of the world media giants Rupert Murdoch said that he is eager to take over Turkish ATV channel and “Sabah” newspaper, APA reports."
Media personality axed for race remarks about Turkish colleague : Europe World
Cologne, Germany - A German media personality has been dropped by a major television station for unflattering remarks he made about a female Turkish colleague. West German Radio (WDR) said Manes Meckenstock had been axed from the entertainment show Room Free for his comments about Viva music channel presenter Guelcan Kamps."
More:Media personality axed for race remarks about Turkish colleague : Europe World
Yalcindag: A stable and reformist Turkey is needed for EU target
The New Anatolian / Ankara 26 September 2007 Font Size: default medium large 'A stable and reformist Turkey should be created in order to help the country move towards its EU target,' said Turkish Industrialists' & Businessmen's Association (TUSIAD) Chairperson Arzuhan Dogan Yalcindag."
More:The New Anatolian
Drought uncovers hidden past of Turkey’s dams
As the water level of the Kapulukaya dam lake near the central Anatolian city of Kırıkkale has decreased, the 13th century Çeşnigir Bridge has resurfaced."
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Iraq, Turkey to sign an anti-terrorism pact targeting PKK - الدفاع والأمن - 25/09/2007
ANKARA, Sept 25 (KUNA) -- Iraq's Interior Minister Jawad Bolani arrived in Ankara on Tuesday to discuss with Turkish officials the details of a bilateral anti-terrorism agreement.
On arrival in Ankara, Bolani stressed his government's desire to enhance cooperation with Turkey saying they were ready to address all relevant files.
Bolani noted that the Iraqis would not accept any party using Iraqi land to attack Turkey."
More:كونا : Iraq, Turkey to sign an anti-terrorism pact targeting PKK
New euro coin map excludes Turkey - Telegraph
By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels Last Updated: 6:53pm BST 25/09/2007 European Union officials have been accused of 'political geography' after Turkey, but not the Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, disappeared from a map of Europe designed for new euro coins."
More:New euro coin map excludes Turkey - Telegraph
British media captain criticizes Turkey's stereotyped image in foreign press - Turkish Daily News Sep 25, 2007
Turkey is stereotyped by the foreign press into just three words , says BBC College of Journalism Editor Kevin Marsh: The headscarf, generals, and the European Union. He is trying to change this through his college's program"
More:British media captain criticizes Turkey's stereotyped image in foreign press - Turkish Daily News Sep 25, 2007
A thousand 'azans' roll over Istanbul
More:The Brunei Times
Know Thy Enemy: The Kurdistan Worker's Party
By Tom Ordeman, Jr.
Author's Note: The venerable Sun Tzu wrote, 'Know thy self, know thy enemy.' Many Americans recognize the influence that various terrorist groups have on foreign affairs; yet few know the basic background and facts about many of these groups. This piece continues a series of articles aimed at familiarizing FSM readers with basic, important information about key terrorist, militant, and insurgent groups, whose regional operations often influence security issues on a global scale. This installment details the Kurdistan Worker's Party, an ethnic Kurdish separatist group operating primarily in northern Iraq and southern Turkey."
More:Family Security Matters
Iraqi interior minister in Turkey to discuss PKK threat - International Herald Tribune
ANKARA, Turkey: Iraq's interior minister arrived in Turkey on Tuesday to discuss Turkish concerns over separatist Kurdish rebels holed up in bases in northern Iraq.
Turkey is seeking an anti-terrorism cooperation agreement with Iraq that would engage its neighbor in cracking down on the rebels of the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, which has been attacking targets in Turkey from bases in northern Iraq."
More:Iraqi interior minister in Turkey to discuss PKK threat - International Herald Tribune
British media captain criticizes Turkey's stereotyped image in foreign press - Turkish Daily News Sep 25, 2007
Turkey is stereotyped by the foreign press into just three words , says BBC College of Journalism Editor Kevin Marsh: The headscarf, generals, and the European Union. He is trying to change this through his college's program"
More:British media captain criticizes Turkey's stereotyped image in foreign press - Turkish Daily News Sep 25, 2007
BBC NEWS | Europe | Turkey gets back on the EU track
By Kirsty Hughes Writer on European affairs
Turkey appears to have emerged from its simmering political crisis, with the successful installation of a new government and president."
More:BBC NEWS | Europe | Turkey gets back on the EU track
Commentary: France's Sarkozy and Turkey - Commentary - Middle East Times
More:Commentary: France's Sarkozy and Turkey - Commentary - Middle East Times
Iraqi Kurds consider PKK and PJAK as illegal organizations
The New Anatolian / Ankara 25 September 2007 Font Size: default medium large Kurdistan Regional Government spokesman Cemal Abdllah said Monday the administration considers 'PKK and its affiliate PJAK as illegal organizations.' Speaking to the Anatolian News Agency in Erbil Abdullah indicated that they are 'doing everything possible to avoid attacks on neighboring countries from Iraqi territory.'"
More:The New Anatolian
Exporters demand interest rate cut - Turkish Daily News Sep 25, 2007
The fall of the U.S. dollar continues to be the primary worry of Turkish exporters, as the president of Turkey Exporters Assembly (TİM) demanded an immediate cut in Turkish Central Bank interest rates."
More:Exporters demand interest rate cut - Turkish Daily News Sep 25, 2007
Orhan Pamuk buys NY apartment for 1.8 million dollars - Hürriyet
Nobel prize winning Turkish author Orhan Pamuk has reportedly purchased a two bedroom apartment in Manhattan for 1.8 million dollars. Pamuk is known for his love of Istanbul, and has even had the very room from which he wrote many of his works in Istanbul recalled by his close writer friend Salman Rushdie, who wrote 'Pamuk's study looks out at the Bosphorus."
More:Orhan Pamuk buys NY apartment for 1.8 million dollars - Hürriyet
Ten ways to get the best out of Istanbul - Telegraph
More:Ten ways to get the best out of Istanbul - Telegraph
The other meanings of ‘Turk’ and ‘Deutsche’
Turks are not very popular in Germany. Many of them belong to a social group that is often associated with poor education and even crime. This situation is disturbing for me since I have studied and worked for some time in İstanbul, where in a reversal of the situation Germans are liked and treated well."
Turkey has own agenda for UN summit - Turkish Daily News Sep 25, 2007
As heads of states from over 80 countries gather in New York City for what will be the largest United Nations (UN) event for world leaders on climate change, Turkey is heading to the Big Apple with its own agenda of garnering support to host the UN General Assembly in 2008, advocating an extension of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq, and connecting to the new leadership of the Turkish lobby in the United States."
More:Turkey has own agenda for UN summit - Turkish Daily News Sep 25, 2007
Cancelling Mutafyan's speech not befit to US - Turkish Daily News Sep 25, 2007
ISTANBUL – TDN with wire dispatches
A decision to cancel the scheduled speech of Turkish Armenian religious leader, Patriarch Mesrob II Mutafyan, in Washington's Georgetown University, is not fitting to the United States, �the country of freedoms,� Mutafyan said, the daily Hürriyet reported yesterday. "
More:Cancelling Mutafyan's speech not befit to US - Turkish Daily News Sep 25, 2007
Bomb attack on Turk outpost | WORLD | NEWS | tvnz.co.nz
More:Bomb attack on Turk outpost | WORLD | NEWS | tvnz.co.nz
Car bomb kills Turkish soldier, two injured - Summary : Europe World
Ankara - One soldier was killed and two injured on Tuesday in a car bomb attack on a security base in eastern Turkey, the Anadolu news agency reported. Anadolu quoted unnamed sources as saying a civilian car carrying bread was driven to the entrance of a gendarme post in the village of Kocakoc where it stopped and a bomb was detonated by remote control. It was not clear what happened to the driver."
More:Car bomb kills Turkish soldier, two injured - Summary : Europe World
Sabanci: Turkey is a part of European history
'Turkey has always been a part of the developments in Europe and it is a part of European history,' Sabanci Holding Executive Board chairperson Guler Sabanci said. A statement released by Sabanci Holding said that Guler Sabanci replied to questions on several matters on a TV program, 'For the Record', on Bloomberg TV."
More:The New Anatolian
EU states wipe Turkey off euro coin map
(AGI) - Berlin, Sept 25 - 'The decision concerning Turkey's admission to the European Union will be made at the end of the negotiation process, not before,' said the president of the European commission Manuel Durao Barroso in an interview to the newspaper 'Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung'. 'The request of the French president Nicolas Sarkozy to convene a "Council of experts" to discuss the future of Europe does not compromise the commitments that have already been made. Sasrkozy has not proposed to open a discussion on geographical aspects, also because the European borders both according to the rule of the law and to geography are indelible. With reference to Turkey, the right idea is to decide on Turkey's admission to the EU after evaluating the results of negotiations, not before. "
More:AGI News on
Greece withdraws history text book after complaints from church, academics - International Herald Tribune
ATHENS, Greece: Greece's conservative government withdrew a sixth-grade history text book from state schools Tuesday, following complaints by the Orthodox Church and right wing critics who said it contained inaccuracies and was unpatriotic.
New Education Minister Evipidis Stylianidis said the book was removed from the national curriculum after a panel of ministry experts reviewed it Monday."
More:Greece withdraws history text book after complaints from church, academics - International Herald Tribune
"Trend" news agency - Turkish Embassy in Israel Intend to Support Congress of Middle East Azerbaijanis
Israel, Jerusalem / Trend corr. R.Mammadov / The Turkish Embassy in Israel intends to support and provide assistance to prospective projects to the Congress of the Middle East Azerbaijanis in Tel Aviv, Namik Tan, the Turkish ambassador to Israel, reported."
More:"Trend" news agency - Turkish Embassy in Israel Intend to Support Congress of Middle East Azerbaijanis
Greek Cypriots ask Syria for clarification on restored Turkish Cypriot ferry services
The New Anatolian / Ankara 25 September 2007
Closer ties between the Turkish Cypriots and Syria have irked the Greek Cypriots and prompted them into counter action."
More:The New Anatolian
Turkish Women, Too, Have Words With U.S. Envoy (on Iraq War) - New York Times
Published: September 29, 2005
ISTANBUL, Sept. 28 - Under Secretary of State Karen P. Hughes, seeking common ground with leading women's rights advocates in Turkey, was confronted instead on Wednesday with anguished denunciations of the war in Iraq and what the women said were American efforts to export democracy by force."
More:Turkish Women, Too, Have Words With U.S. Envoy (on Iraq War) - New York Times
Monday, September 24, 2007
JTW News - Babacan: PKK and Armenian resolution pose danger to Turkish-US ties
Saturday , 22 September 2007
CHICAGO - Turkey's strategic partnership with the United States are facing risks from the terrorist threat posed by the outlawed PKK in Iraq and resolutions pending in the US Congress on Armenian claims, Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan has said."
More:JTW News - Babacan: PKK and Armenian resolution pose danger to Turkish-US ties
JTW News - American Blackwater Denies Turkish Smuggling Allegations
Blackwater USA denied Saturday any involvement in illegal weapons smuggling, responding to reports the private security contractor is a target of federal prosecutors. Turkey protested to the U.S. in July that they had seized American arms from the outlawed PKK. According to the Pentagon more than 190.000 American weapons lost in Iraq."
More:JTW News - American Blackwater Denies Turkish Smuggling Allegations
Monday, September 24, 2007
Two visits by leading U.S. officials to Turkey in less than a week have failed to heal the strains in relations between Ankara and Washington, particularly over Turkey’s increasingly close economic ties with Iran and the continuing presence of militants from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in northern Iraq."
JTW News - US Department of State: We treat Turkish allegations very seriously
By Osman SANLI (JTW) WASHINGTON - Tom Casey, Deputy Spokesman of the US Department of State said yesterday that the US gives great importance to the Turkish allegations regarding weapon transfer to the PKK terrorists."
More:JTW News - US Department of State: We treat Turkish allegations very seriously
Global Voices Online: Turkey is Typing....Wordpress Still Blocked
Turkey is Typing....Wordpress Still Blocked
Last week Sami Ben Gharbia did an excellent posting about the blockage of the Wordpress blogging platform in Turkey, this week we will examine what Turkish bloggers have to say about it. There is anger, resentment, and sense of utter amazement at the absurdness of the situation. And yet, there is a powerful spirit of strength in combating this ban. Many Turkish bloggers and expat bloggers feel that the recent banning of Wordpress in Turkey is not only a sign of things to come, but a cause for embarrassment. James in Turkey sums up the history of Turkish censorship well.
Turkey has banned WordPress, the blogging platform. This is not a move without precedent; the popular definitions site ekşisözlük and, more famously, YouTube have both been blocked in the past. Turk Telekom's virtual monopoly on internet access in Turkey makes a ban an easy thing to enforce. There is, after all, just the one service provider to submit a court order to.
Testing Erdogan’s Leadership
BY EROL CEVIKCE VATAN- Concerning the debate over a new constitution, I think the political goals, rather than legal questions, should be stressed. Actually, one can’t deny that the people who want changes to the current Constitution regime have political motives. Differences over the issue of secularism lie behind the political tensions, instabilities and military coups Turkey has seen since 1950. This issue is again at the heart of these debates and one of the main reasons for the war between religions which has been causing sadness worldwide for the past 20 years."
More:Testing Erdogan’s Leadership
CHS exchange student says Turkish cuisine ranks among some of the best in the world
By ROB STROUD, Staff Writer rstroud@jg-tc.com
CHARLESTON — Willow Spencer was speaking Turkish even before she spent part of her summer in Turkey through an American Field Service program. Spencer, an 18-year-old senior at Charleston High School, said she had known since childhood she wanted to be an exchange student because she grew up hearing her mother’s stories about studying in Panama."
More:JG-TC.com > News > CHS exchange student says Turkish cuisine ranks among some of the best in the world
Tricky transition in Kurdish Turkey | Spero News
The predominantly Kurdish southeast is going through a crucial transition. Kurdish secular nationalism, while remaining a powerful force, is now being challenged by a resurgence in Islam."
More:Tricky transition in Kurdish Turkey | Spero News
AIG Private-Equity Arm Renews Push into Turkey
By Catherine Craig
American International Group AIG Capital Partners has rehired a former executive to lead a renewed push into Turkey. Financial instability and uncertainty surrounding Turkey's accession to the European Union have hampered investors' efforts to make a dent in the Turkish buyout market. Few investors have developed a direct presence on the ground. AIG Capital Partners, ..."
More (Subscription rqd)Free Article - WSJ.com
Turks do not want Turkey to be another Malaysia turning into an Islamic state
On Friday, two journalists from Turkey biggest-circulation newspaper Hurriyet interviewed me. I was taken aback when they told me that their prime interest was how Turkey could learn from the mistakes of Malaysia as there is great concern among the Turks of Turkey becoming another Malaysia down the road of an Islamic state."
More:Lim Kit Siang » Blog Archive » Turks do not want Turkey to be another Malaysia turning into an Islamic state
Belly Dancing Turks Shake Up a Good Meal - Insider
Eric Redline, WG'08 Issue date: 9/24/07
Turkey, a country that bridges Europe and Asia, is home to wide array of flavors and spices that make up its interesting cuisine. Konak, one of two Turkish restaurants in Philadelphia, does an excellent job of creating a fun and filling dining experience. The foyer of the restaurant offers hand-made jewelry featuring the nazar boncuk (or amulet that protects against the evil eye) and a friendly hostess. Fortunately we didn't need protection from the food or the staff."
More:Belly Dancing Turks Shake Up a Good Meal - Insider
Yasar Kemal's 'Teneke,' performed at La Scala
The New Anatolian / Ankara 24 September 2007
The opera adapted from renown Turkish writer Yasar Kemal's novel 'Teneke' (Tin Can) fascinated the audience in its premier performance at La Scala. Yasar Kemal also attended the premier of 'Teneke' adapted by Fabbio Vacchi. Kemal watched the performance from the royal box, together with his wife Ayse Kemal and famous Turkish soprano Leyla Gencer."
More:The New Anatolian
Zeki Demirkubuz at Lincoln Center - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
International success of Turkish directors takes Turkish films to better places everyday. For the very first time this year the Film Society of Lincoln Center decided to co-present Zeki Demirkubuz’s films with the Moon and Stars Project, a New York-based non-profit organization"
More:Zeki Demirkubuz at Lincoln Center - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
Simit, Turkey's most popular snack - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007

"Simit, Turkey's most popular snack Monday, September 24, 2007
Throughout Turkey, a small ring of bread covered with sesame seeds is sold at countless street corners and in most bakeries. Children eat it in school breaks, businessmen grab one on their way to work, people eat it in the afternoons or after a busy day on their way home in the evening."
More:Simit, Turkey's most popular snack - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
Istanbul Biennial follows world trends in art - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
Contemporary Art opens its arms to innovation. In Turkey, the Istanbul Biennial pioneers Sonic Installation which first appeared on the world’s artistic stage five years ago. Artist Selçuk Artut says that he shapes sound as a sculptor sculpts stone."
More:Istanbul Biennial follows world trends in art - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
We have to decide our role in the Iraqi equation
Turkey has a pressing problem: To decide on a realistic policy on Iraq and how to handle the Kurdish file. We have to look at the realities of Iraq and then devise sound policies according to our goals. So we first have to determine what these goals are…"
More:The New Anatolian
Kurd rebels derail train in Turkey - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Security sources say Kurdish separatists derailed a freight train in an attack in eastern Turkey that wounded four engineers. The attack was carried out late Sunday at Elazig. The rebels laid a mine under the track that derailed the train and then opened fire with high-powered rifles, the source said."
More:Kurd rebels derail train in Turkey - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Turkey co-operates against money laundering - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
Turkey signed memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with several countries in regard to fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism, reported the Anatolia news agency Sunday. Turkish Finance Ministry Financial Crimes Investigation Board, which earlier signed MOUs with northern Cyprus and Indonesia, signed the third memorandum with Sweden's Financial Intelligence Unit."
More:Turkey co-operates against money laundering - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
JTW News - Turkish General Warns the US: Turkey has the power to increase costs in Iraq
Turkish Army Commander General Ilker Basbug warned the United States about the PKK activities in Northern Iraq. Basbug said 'Turkey has the power to prevent developments and tıo increase the costs in Iraq'. Basbug gave a lecture in the ceremony of the Turkish Army College term opening ceremony."
More:JTW News - Turkish General Warns the US: Turkey has the power to increase costs in Iraq
U.S. weapons for PKK? - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
Turkish authorities in the past months have protested to the U.S. that they had seized American arms from militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). In July, four PKK militants, who handed over themselves to Turkish security forces after escaping from a PKK camp in northern Iraq, claimed that they had seen U.S. vehicles delivering weapons to the PKK camp."
More:U.S. weapons for PKK? - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
Turkish Cypriots plan ferry service to Syria - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
Northern Cyprus started Saturday a ferry run between the Mediterranean island and Syria in a bid to break its international isolation, local television said."
More:Turkish Cypriots plan ferry service to Syria - Turkish Daily News Sep 24, 2007
Greek, Turkish FMs meet in New York
Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis and her Turkish counterpart Ali Babacan on Sunday declared their volition to further boost Greek-Turkish relations, during talks here ahead of a UN General Assembly this week. According to press reports, the good climate in bilateral talks was ascertained by Bakoyannis' invitation to Babacan to visit Athens, as well as an invitation conveyed by Babacan towards Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis for an official visit to Turkey."
More:Greek, Turkish FMs meet in New York
Turkish general says secularism beyond debate | International | Reuters
By Evren Mesci
ANKARA (Reuters) - A senior general on Monday affirmed the importance of secularism in Turkey amid debates over a draft constitution that some secularists see as a cover for boosting the role of Islam."
More:Turkish general says secularism beyond debate | International | Reuters
Turkish Weekly Opinion - EU or Europe?
Irem Güney Monday , 24 September 2007
There are many political commentators who note that one should not confuse Europe with the EU. Following this logic, one could argue - as is often done- a privileged partnership with Turkey is more suitable: Turkey is essential for Europe but not for the EU."
More:Turkish Weekly Opinion - EU or Europe?
Turkish Weekly Opinion - New Phase on the EU Path: Turkey and a Union in Transformation
More:Turkish Weekly Opinion - New Phase on the EU Path: Turkey and a Union in Transformation
Azerbaijanis want more stay time in Turkey
Residents of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic working in Turkey wants the stay time to be prolonged at least for six months.
Famil Alisoy, who is working for a transport company told APa’s Turkey bureau that reduce of the stay time in Turkey by a month caused material damages for them.
“We are obliged to leave the country once a month and spend a great deal of our money on traveling. Every time I leave Turkey I spend the money I collected for the education of my three children. Nakhchivan has only access to Turkey."
Digital Journal - Four injured in PKK bomb attack on cargo train in eastern Turkey
Four injured in PKK bomb attack on cargo train in eastern Turkey
Four people were injured Monday morning in a bomb attack on a cargo train in eastern Turkey, the Anadolu news agency reported. The explosives were placed on railway tracks in the province of Elazig and exploded when a freight train was passing. Anadolu reported that rebels from the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) were responsible for the attack. The four injured were all working onboard the train. They were taken to a local hospital for treatment.
Turkish archives may shed light on history of 30 countries
The General Directorate of State Archives and the Turkish Historical Society (TTK) have conducted joint work to classify the Ottoman archives."
Dwindling farm water threatens Turkish disaster - Independent Online Edition > Europe
By Nicholas Birch in Karapinar Published: 24 September 2007 An environmental catastrophe is threatening central Turkey, once the country's breadbasket, where farmers are depleting the water table after the hottest summer in living memory."
mORE:Dwindling farm water threatens Turkish disaster - Independent Online Edition > Europe
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Turkish Foreign Minister Warns US And Israel
September 23rd, 2007 by Fred Stopsky · No Comments Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan warned the United States and Iraq to take a firm stand in curbing what he termed aggressive actions by the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) in order to avoid creating diplomatic problems. “We expect the United States and the Iraq government to take urgent and concrete steps in handing over the PKK terrorists to justice.”"
More:Turkish Foreign Minister Warns US And Israel
AK Party Opposition TV Channel Kanal Turk Suspended in Turkey » AKP Watch
AK Party Opposition TV channel Kanalturk is once again targeted by the Islamist AK Party government. The channel have been shut down for six days as a penalty for Kanalturk’s broadcasts prior to July 22 general elections. The justification for the punishment was that while Kanalturk presented news about opposition parties in an objective manner, it discriminated against the ruling AKP by broadcasting PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s previous political statements and by doing so harmed his image."
More:AK Party Opposition TV Channel Kanal Turk Suspended in Turkey » AKP Watch
British Invasion in Turkey: Where Have All the Turks Gone?
Center for International Finance & Development: The Growing Ties Between Russia and Turkey
Source: Eurasia Daily Monitor - 'Growing Russo-Turkish Economic Ties Overshadow Political Differences' The economic ties between Russia and Turkey have grown significantly in the past couple of years. Looking at the numbers, during the first six months of 2007 Russian exports to Turkey stood at $10.5 billion, up 30.6% from $8.1 billion in the first half of 2006. Further, during the first six months of 2007 Turkey’s exports to Russia rose by 60.3% over the same period of 2006 to reach $2.1 billion."
More:Center for International Finance & Development: The Growing Ties Between Russia and Turkey
Turkey condemns US support for PKK
Sun, 23 Sep 2007 11:06:15
Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan says US cooperation with the armed PKK movement can endanger Ankara-Washington relations. Babacan also warned that acknowledgement of a mass murder of Armenians as genocide by the US Congress can harm US-Turkey relations."
More:Press TV
“The Baksheeshes” must “The Baksheeshes” must - NEW EUROPE
More:“The Baksheeshes” must “The Baksheeshes” must - NEW EUROPE
Technical and Industrial Cooperation Project Signed Between PSA Peugeot Citroën and Turkish Carmaker Karsan
PSA Peugeot Citroën and Turkish automotive manufacturer Karsan today signed a letter of intent to launch a feasibility study for an extensive technical cooperation project."
More:Technical and Industrial Cooperation Project Signed Between PSA Peugeot Citroën and Turkish Carmaker Karsan
A traditional wake up service, special to Ramadan - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
Although some people complain about the noise of drums beating at night to wake people up for the predawn meal during Ramadan, it is still a much-loved tradition of the holy month for many Muslims"
More:A traditional wake up service, special to Ramadan - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
First Turkish toy museum offers entertainment for all ages - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
Turkey's first and only museum dedicated to toys was opened in 2005 by Turkish poet and writer Sunay Akın and displays almost 5,000 toys from different countries and decades, with the oldest item dating back almost 200 years. With its playful atmosphere and variety of exhibits, it has entertained almost 100,00 visitors of all ages annually."
More:First Turkish toy museum offers entertainment for all ages - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
Turkish business expresses concerns on new constitution - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
Speaking at the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (TÜSİAD) advisory council meeting, Mustafa V. Koç, urged the government to base the new constitution on a consensus among all the sections of society."
More:Turkish business expresses concerns on new constitution - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
JTW News - Turkey puts an end to water wars thesis in the Middle East
Sunday , 23 September 2007
Until several years ago, international strategists would argue that a war over water resources would inevitably emerge in the Middle East. But the recent change in Turkey's international water policy seems to discredit this thesis."
More:JTW News - Turkey puts an end to water wars thesis in the Middle East
Saturday, September 22, 2007
A Historical Court Decision: Turks Don't Need EU Visas Anymore
I'm back from my vacation with great news. A European court did what European politicians have not been doing for decades: Coming closer to Turkey by giving back Turkish people their historical, legal rights as a European nation!"
More:The Istanbulian
5 million people order food online - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
ISTANBUL – Turkish Daily News
Turks have always taken delight in food, whether it's enjoying various dishes for the sake of experimentation or chatting with friends and family over a meal. But Turkey's food culture has been changing as people's lives become busier � or people become lazier � and snacking is done any time of the day. Now, when people are hungry, they go to the Yemeksepeti Web site. "
More:5 million people order food online - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
ECJ clears the way to Europe for Turkish entrepreneurs - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
Ankara – Turkish Daily News
A landmark ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has cleared the way for thousands of Turkish citizens who want to settle in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in countries of the European Union. "
More:ECJ clears the way to Europe for Turkish entrepreneurs - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
'The luxury to compete with Paris is in Istanbul'
The general manager of İstinyePark opened yesterday, Hakan Kurt, said: 'You can not see so many brands together even in Europe.' Louis Vuitton sunglasses for 340 Euro were sold out on the first day of shopping."
More:SABAH Newspaper English Edition - Economy - 'The luxury to compete with Paris is in Istanbul'
What should the Patriarchate do? (I) - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
Orhan Kemal Cengiz
What would you prefer? Having a weakened but determined enemy or a prosperous friend and strong ally? If you are a win-win oriented person, you would naturally opt for the later. However, Turkey is sometimes unreasonable and, against all odds, continues to have some peculiar policies. I believe some Turkish policies are operated on automatic pilot, that no one knows the reason why we go one direction instead of the other one and no one dares suggest a change of direction."
More:What should the Patriarchate do? (I) - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
The two 'Turkey crises' the EU just had - Turkish Daily News Sep 21, 2007
Mehmet Ali Birand
BRUSSELS -We were so wrapped up in our own problems that we failed to see what went on around us. So much seems to have happened in the meanwhile."
More:The two 'Turkey crises' the EU just had - Turkish Daily News Sep 21, 2007
Orhan Pamuk vs. Salman Rushdie - Hürriyet
Two of the most renowned names in literature, Salman Rushdie and Orhan Pamuk, are to have a battle of words in New York. Salman Rushdie provoked violent reactions from the Muslim world with his famous book, The Satanic Verses. The Nobel Prize-winning Orhan Pamuk created much controversy with his claims regarding the so-called Armenian Genocide. Both have received death threats. The conservation is part of a larger annual literary festival run by the New Yorker, a leading American weekly magazine, being held between 5-7 October in New York."
Orhan Pamuk vs. Salman Rushdie - Hürriyet
Babacan: PKK and genocide claims strain ties with Washington - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said late Thursday that the presence of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in northern Iraq as well as Armenian genocide allegations are creating unease in Turkish-U.S. relations."
More:Babacan: PKK and genocide claims strain ties with Washington - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
Turkish army kills 4 more PKK rebels
Sat, 22 Sep 2007 17:31:34
Four more Kurdish guerrillas have been killed in operations by the Turkish army, raising the number of those killed this week to 14."
More:Press TV
Turkish Company to Change Vakil Caravanserai into Hotel
The lands in vicinity of Vakil historic caravanserai in Kerman province which is going to be changed into a traditional 5 star hotel will be redeemed to be given to the Turkish investor for construction of the hotel."
More:CHN | News
WTO rules for U.S. in rice dispute
By BRADLEY S. KLAPPER Associated Press Writer
GENEVA -- The World Trade Organization ruled in favor of the United States on Friday in a dispute over Turkey's restrictions on U.S. rice imports. The WTO panel said Turkey has violated international trade agreements by offering lower tariffs to its rice importers as long as they bought significant quantities of domestic rice."
More:WTO rules for U.S. in rice dispute
Peugeot-Citroen teams up with Turkey's Karsan to manufacture car parts
© AP 21.09.2007 13:07:27 (live-PR.com) - PARIS (AP) - French car maker PSA Peugeot-Citroen said Friday it has signed a letter of intent to team with Turkish automotive company Karsan to make mechanical parts for commercial vehicles."
More:Peugeot-Citroen teams up with Turkey's Karsan to manufacture car parts
Another Turkey in Brussels - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
Mehmet Ali Birand
There's no other country like Turkey that looks as different from the outside as it does from the inside.
From the inside, it appears tragic. It looks as if we're going to attack each other any minute. It's as if the recent elections never took place and the ruling party was never elected by 47 percent. It is as if the minority party were trying to amend the Constitution, and the country is slipping from secularism into a religious state. It looks as if we're on the brink of a big fight, as if you can't see for the dust and the smoke. "
More:Another Turkey in Brussels - Turkish Daily News Sep 22, 2007
Feds Target Blackwater in Weapons Probe
By MATTHEW LEE – 27 minutes ago WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal prosecutors are investigating whether employees of the private security firm Blackwater USA illegally smuggled into Iraq weapons that may have been sold on the black market and ended up in the hands of a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, officials said Friday."
More:The Associated Press: Feds Target Blackwater in Weapons Probe
‘Takva' named Turkish entry for 80th Oscars