"Mehmet Ali Birand: The elections made things harder for the Kurds
Thursday, February 3, 2005
The elections in Iraq dampened the Kurds� aspirations for independence. A high participation rate made the possibility of division unlikely, at least for now
Mehmet Ali Birand:
The Hague University academic Henri Barkley, speaking on the CNN Turk 'Manset' program on Tuesday, said, �Due to the higher than expected participation rate in the Iraqi elections, most people had the impression that Iraqi national integrity can be protected. This was a blow to Kurdish independence aspirations.�
The elections in Iraq were interpreted from many points of view, but not from this angle.
When looked at from the outside, the Kurdish game plan seemed to be this: �There will be considerable resistance and bloodshed during the elections in Iraq. Hundreds will die. The insurgency will intensify and the country will move towards a civil war. That will be the time when Kurds declare their independence.�"
More:Turkish Daily News